Mr. Jason Oertel - School Board President | Southwestern CUSD No. 9
Mr. Jason Oertel - School Board President | Southwestern CUSD No. 9
Southwestern Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session on January 21, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Jason Oertel-President, called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. and asked Kim Albert, Recording Secretary, to call roll showing those members present as: Donna Loy, Jason Oertel, Jacob Reno, Andrew Ruyle, Brad Schuchman,
Nicholas Strohbeck, Dr. Kevin Bowman, Superintendent, and Kim Albert, Recording Secretary. Jenny Hanks was absent.
Public Comment: None
Correspondence and Recognition:
Mr. Pat Dugas and Mrs. Shelly Robinson-Instructional Coaches at the High School were present to report & recognize the district’s Computer Science Equity Grant that they applied for. The district was awarded this grant in the spring of 2024. Equipment was ordered right away for Pre-K thru 12th grades. The tech items are used to help teachers present lessons and to equip the students to think outside the box. 50 grants were awarded throughout the state. The grant includes stipends to pay the teachers for training. Full integration will be in 2025. Mr. Dugas gave a demonstration with one of the sphero balls and a Lego robot that has been used and built by students. Dr. Bearley thanked Mr. Dugas and Mrs. Robinson for their hard work and dedication in obtaining and implementing this grant for the district!!
Administrator Reports:
Mrs. Renken spoke about the 1% Alternate Assessment. This is a requirement that includes a monthly webinar that is statewide participation with around 300 districts participating. Our district has nine students who take the Alternate Assessment test which means we are over the 1% requirement.
Dr. Bearley, HS Principal, mentioned the ACT practice testing coming up soon and that the actual ACT test will be in April, and it will be a digital test. Staff are ensuring that everyone knows how this test will work.
Shipman Elementary Principal, Rhonda Wooldridge, gave an update on the BB Jones assembly that was held recently. She indicated that he was a great presenter and had all the kids involved. He spoke on teamwork, being kind, etc. This was grant funded through the Southwestern Foundation for Educational Excellence, and Ms. Wooldridge wanted to thank them! Also, the Book Blast was scheduled to start January 21st, but due to the snow day, it will be starting January 22nd instead. It will run through January 31st.
Brighton North Primary Principal, Kim Reed, also stated that their Book Blast will start tomorrow. Also, Acadience testing has been done by Mrs. Hanebutt and Mrs. Bechtold, and new groups have been indicated and formed. Mrs. Reed reported on the Christmas class parties and that 80 parents attended and help make fun parties for the students. She indicated that Brighton North has recently had seven new students register for classes.
Mr. Baumberger, Medora Intermediate School Principal, reiterated thanking the parents and Piasa Team for the recent holiday parties. He also thanked Mrs. Gottschall and Ms. Wray for all their dedication to the Christmas concert. The concert was well attended. IAR testing will be held soon at Medora Intermediate. Also, several sixth-grade students are going to be able to participate in the 7th grade Scholastic Bowl due to low participation. Thanks to Mrs. Albanese for including them.
Superintendent Report:
Dr. Bowman reported that the current enrollment for the district sits at 1150 for the end of December with a few in-school suspensions.
District Update: Dr. Bowman thanked the maintenance, custodial staff, and transportation staff for all the hard work in January from snow removal to checking roads!! It was a difficult time. He also reported on a recent walk thru with Holland at the high school. An asbestos abatement meeting was held at the high school recently and asbestos abatement bids are due to the district office by January 23, 2025.
Dr. Bowman welcomed new employees that were hired recently.
Items for Discussion or Acknowledgement:
President Oertel gave a short report on what he has learned regarding the Vision 2030 Proposed Resolution that the board will be voting on later in the meeting. He thinks it is a good resolution to pass.
The board acknowledged the Southwestern Education Support Associations Demand to Bargain Letter.
The board acknowledged the resignation of Brittney Settles, Custodian.
Dr. Bowman questioned seeking bids/purchasing an additional snowplow truck. Several questions were received and discussed.
Items Considered for Action…
Consent Agenda:
Items discussed in the consent agenda included the following…the financial report with balances as of December 31, 2024, as follows: Education Fund $7,757,484.00, Operations/Maintenance $1,621,932.00, Transportation Fund $836,432.00, Working Cash $3,468,235.00, with the total being $13,684,083.00, County Schools Facilities Sales Tax Revenue for December was down a little at $56,482.09, January bills…Imprest bills…extra and substitute pay…substitute list…regular board meeting minutes from December 17, 2024…and special board meeting minutes of the Tax Levy Hearing from December 17, 2024.
There were no questions regarding the consent agenda that was presented. Andrew Ruyle made a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented and Jacob Reno seconded the motion to accept the consent agenda.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Kevin Goodbrake was recommended to be hired as an Assistant Girls’ Soccer Coach. Jacob Reno made a motion to hire him pending his successful background check, EHR, and credential check. Donna Loy seconded this motion for such.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, and Loy
Nays: None
Delcie Eads was the recommendation from Dr. Bearley to be hired as a HS Math teacher for the 2025-2026 school year pending her successful background check, EHR, and her credential check. Brad Schuchman made a motion to do so with Andrew Ruyle seconding the said motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, and Oertel
Nays: None
Jason Oertel made a motion to approve the Vision 2030 Resolution. Brad Schuchman seconded the motion to approve such.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Ruyle Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
Karen Gallaher requested to be moved from a third-grade teacher to the open fourth grade teacher position for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. Donna Loy approved the request to move with Brad Schuchman making the second motion to approve.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Ruyle
Nays: None
It was recommended to hire Jennifer Eyers for the 2025-26 third grade teacher opening. Andrew Ruyle made a motion to employ Mrs. Eyers pending her successful background check, EHR, and her credential check. Donna Loy made the second motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, and Schuchman
Nays: None
Donna Loy made a motion to employ Callie Davis as a fifth-grade teacher for the 2025-26 school year pending her successful background check, EHR, and her credential check. Brad Schuchman made the second motion for such.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, and Hanks
Nays: None
Brad Schuchman made a motion to approve John Luca as a Volunteer HS Boys’ and Girls’ Assistant Track Coach pending a successful background check, EHR, and a credential check. Andrew Ruyle seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, and Loy
Nays: None
Also, Nic Beilsmith will be approved as a Volunteer HS Boys’ and Girls’ Assistant Track Coach pending his successful background check, EHR, and his credential check. Motions for such were made by Andrew Ruyle and Brad Schuchman.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, and Oertel
Nays: None
After a bit of discussion, Andrew Ruyle made a motion to authorize the Transportation Department to seek bids on a truck/snowplow. Brad Schuchman seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Ruyle, Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
Brad Schuchman made a motion to move into closed session with Andrew Ruyle seconding to move into closed session.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Schuchman, Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Ruyle
Nays: None
TIME: 7:49pm
Andrew Ruyle made a motion to move back into open session with Donna Loy seconding to do so.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, and Schuchman
Nays: None
TIME: 8:43pm
Andrew Ruyle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jacob Reno seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Ruyle, Schuchman, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm