City of Centralia Municipal Airport Advisory Committee met July 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Jack Graham, John Denton, Tom Walsh, Jim Shoemaker, Tom Kasten and Andrea Williams
Members Absent: David Agee, Tom Simpson and Bill Crain
Also Present: Kala Lambert- Assistant City Manager
Tom Kasten called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
Public Comment: Approval of Minutes:
Kala presented minutes for the meeting on June 17, 2019. A motion was made by John Denton and Seconded by Tom Walsh to approve the meeting minutes for June, all in favor, motion carried.
Old Business:
Kala stated that she had no update from CMT in regard to the Obstruction Study Project.
Kala reported that the preconstruction meeting to Construct Access Taxiway to Runway 9 would be Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 1pm. She invited members to attend the meeting and stated that State officials, City Staff and the Contractor would be present at the meeting.
New Business:
Kala stated there are still 4 hangars available. She reported that she had updated the City’s website with the prices for renting hangars and sent an email to surrounding airports letting them know we have several available. She stated that after speaking with Mr. Collins, the Mt. Vernon Airport Manager, about another issue, he informed her they are having the same problem right now.
Kala reported the self-serve fuel terminal that is currently installed at the airport is becoming obsolete and replacement parts and customer service are no longer available.
Airport Managers Report- none
Tom Walsh shared a print out of the area fuel prices for Aircraft and stated that Dr. Panke flys to Vandalia to get his fuel because of the difference in prices. He stated he believes Centralia is losing money by not having a competitive fuel price. Kala stated that the City does not manage fuel sales or receive any of the profit. She stated that is a business decision for Airgo since they purchase and sell the fuel. She stated the City stopped receiving a portion of fuel sales over ten years ago when the contract was updated. She also noted that until just a few years ago we were able to add more revenue to the agreement by collecting 100% of the hangar rentals and $12,000 a year in the form of a lease payment. Kala stated that when she looked up the price of fuel on a regional map on it appeared our fuel prices fell within the average for the region. She stated she could ask Airgo about the markup on fuel and how often they change the price again, but that it was not really something we can change or enforce.
Tom Walsh also brought up the fact that Airgo does not currently have a mechanic on staff. Kala stated that we were aware of that, in fact it was reported at a previous meeting and it is her understanding Airgo is looking for a mechanic for Centralia, but for the time being they have an agreement with Mt. Vernon for service on their aircraft, as required as part of their flight school certification.
Jack Graham asked for a report from Airgo about their student population. Kala stated for the next meeting she will have a report from Airgo regarding student enrollment and the recruitment of a mechanic.
A motion was made by Jack Graham and Seconded by John Denton to adjourn the meeting.