
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village Of Aviston Village Board Met Oct. 5

Webp meeting 04

Village Of Aviston Village Board Met Oct. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall. In attendance were Village President Dale Haukap, Village Administrator Mike Buscher (via conference call), Village Treasurer Steve Goestenkors, Village Clerk Jennifer Jansen, Trustees Larry Harper (via conference call), Mike Kampwerth, Gary Litteken, Kurt Schmitz and Kevin Eversgerd. Employees present included Gary Rakers (via conference call), Dave Trame, Mike Kuhl and Village Attorney Henry Bergmann (via conference call). Guests included Todd Krydynski and Mike Engel of the Zoning Board.


Todd Krydynski was present and discussed a couple of issues with the slides at the park. The metal slide needs attention at the top and the green slide is starting to come apart. Todd also wanted to discuss any updates with drainage issues in Eastbrook Estates. The Board stated that as of current, there are no updates or progress. Kurt Schmitz mentioned looking into a lift station, of sorts, to put on the south side of the railroad tracks to push the water to the east and help alleviate some of the issue.


-RLF Grant – Should have an update in January 2021.

-Nursing Home Drainage – Pat Netemeyer is working on this.

-WW #4 – Still no report as the Frohn’s are having issues meeting due to COVID. Randy Peek will be working on this.

-TIF – Mike and Kurt Schmitz met with Moran Development to get up to date on the extension process.

-Potential Business – No report.

Mike stated he will be in contact with each Board member before he turns in his keys. Jenny will stop service on the cell phone and turn that service over to Mike.


Minutes of the previous meeting were available for review. A motion to approve the minutes, as amended, was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0.

Kurt Schmitz also reviewed the committee meeting minutes and were present for all to review.


Mike Kuhl reviewed the police report that was available in all packets.

Mike stated there is a young gentleman that wants to apply here and Mike did interview him already as a possible part-time officer as John Wiebler is considering retiring in the near future. Mike presented the trail cam purchased for all to review. The Gentz house along Rt 50 is being cleaned up. A motion to post a part-time police position was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Mike Kampwerth. Motion carried 5-0.


Steve Goestenkors reviewed the monthly financial report. Steve reported that the Village collected $151K and disbursed $132K. Total cash available in all funds is just under $1.25 million and all funds are in a positive cash position.

GF – Collected $65K and disbursed $66K. All State taxes the Village receives are ahead of budget. The expenses are a little over budget in employee wages namely due to summer help. The only other expense noted is the deposit and rent return on the Vintage Hall due to COVID. Surplus YTD of $12K.

WF – Collected $54K and disbursed $24K. Revenue is ahead of budget but expect a decline as we head into winter. All expenses are in line with the budget. Surplus YTD of $44K

SF – Collected $21K and disbursed $12K. Noted a surplus YTD of $32K.

PF – Normal activity.

MFT – Normal activity to date. Anticipate the expenses of street oiling to be paid this month. TIF – These accounts show miscellaneous interest and a few contracts were paid out of TIF I.

Steve reviewed the Treasurer’s Report that must be published by the end of October. Jenny will get this in the Journal.

Steve also mentioned the auditor was here this past week and the report should be done by the end of October.

A few questions on bills were reviewed. Mike Kampwerth reviewed a JTC invoice and a bill from Vandevanter. Jenny will check on the JTC invoice before paying and the Vandevanter invoice will be paid out of TIF I.

A motion to accept the financial report and to pay all bills present and normal bills that come in was made by Gary Litteken, second by Mike Kampwerth. Motion carried 5-0.


Park District minutes were in everyone’s packet for review. Gary Litteken stated that thePark Board will be canceling the costume contest and movie for Halloween this year. A soccer kick wall has been put up by Troy Kapp. Kurt Schmitz reviewed the drainage quote from Markus Excavating. A motion to approve a TIF project NTE $9315 (quote from Markus Excavating) for drainage was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0. Jenny is contact Mike Toeben to inform him of the TIF project approval and specifics. Gary Litteken reviewed a few other projects the Park District is looking at completing.

There are 3 vacancies on the Park District. Mike Toeben will be putting an article in the newsletter this month.


-Vintage Hall – Jenny cleaned on Sunday. Might have been some confusion. Christmas lights ladies are working in the back area so all rentals are only for the front portion.

-Infiltration/Inflow – Flow meters have been installed.

-Village Hall Repairs – Mike Kampwerth reviewed the bids received on the concrete in front of the Village Hall. Revised bids are as follows:

Beckmann - $8250 (just labor)

CTR - $5457 (just labor).

A motion to approve the revised bid from CTR Concrete for $5457 was made by Mike Kampwerth, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0. Mike will get with Randy to get this project moving.

-Drainage Issues – Gary Rakers asked about drainage issues that were emailed out. The Board stated that these are 100% on private property. Discussed issues in Eastbrook and sediment in the bottom of the ditch. Kurt reviewed the committee minutes that related to this project. It was suggested to follow through with an ordinance regarding drainage. Discussed theditch at the CILA on Clement Street and who’s responsibility it is to fix. It was stated that it is Village responsibility and rip rap might be our temporary fix.

-TIF I Extension – Kurt Schmitz stated that a meeting was held with Moran Development and a schedule of events is currently in the works along with a draft letter to taxing bodies. There is no panic about the schedule but this does need to go to the State legislature. A copy of the draft letter is in the packet for all to review. Kurt will be the contact person going forward.


Minutes of the previous Zoning Board meeting were in everyone’s packet for review. Dave asked about the accessory setback recommendation from a couple of months ago. The suggested setback changes were as follows: change a fence setback to 2’; structure setback to 5’ and a maximum accessory buildings per lot to 2. A motion to approve the recommendation of a fence setback to 2’ and accessory buildings per lot to 2, was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0. Mike and Dave are to work with Jenny and Irma to get this together for a public hearing.

Discussion was held regarding chicken permits and who is in charge getting the renewals yearly. It was stated that the Police Chief will discuss with those who currently have permits to get them renewed.


-Meter Reading Update – Kurt Schmitz reviewed the committee minutes. The review included the quotes, and milestones of the committee. The plan is to have the work started in April of 2021 and completed by October of 2022. It was discussed that there are currently approximately 70-80 meters that are only being read once every three months. The Board stated to try to read all meters monthly but if not possible, they must be read at a minimum every other month. Mike Kuhl did say he would help with manual reads.

-Gator Plow – Dave Trame presented a bid from J. Deere for the gator snow plow. A motion to approve this purchase was made by Mike Kampwerth, second by Gary Litteken. Motion carried 5-0.

-Credit Card Request – Gary Rakers asked about the Village getting a credit card versus the current debit card. Steve Goestenkors reviewed the requirements and that each card holder would have to sign a personal guarantee for payment. A motion to move forward with 2 credit cards, Gary Rakers and Mike Kuhl, with a maximum limit of $2,000 per month was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Gary Rakers. Motion carried 5-0.


-Gentz Property – Logan Street property has been taken care of as Mike Kuhl purchased the property.

Sunset Hills Drainage – No report. Meter has been installed at this residence. The Board asked Henry about the formal requests sent to Wood to make sure they went out. The Board stated this item can be removed from the agenda going forward.

-Logan Street Drainage – Kurt Schmitz stated the letters to these residents will be going out this week.

AED – Mike Kuhl stated the best price he could find for an AED was $1495. Kevin Eversgerd stated that the first responder vehicles are equipped with AEDs. Kevin did state that he did have the discussion with the fire department about placing one or two at the parks and they are not willing to take that responsibility. A motion to table this was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Mike Kampwerth. Motion carried 5-0.

-Restore IL – The Board discussed the live music and closing times. It was stated that the Village recommends to close at 11pm and operate at your own risk after 11pm but mandatory closing time is 2am. Mike Kuhl will pass along to the bars. There was no change on live music at this time.

-Pandemic Ordinance – Kurt Schmitz reviewed the recommended changes made from the September meeting. A motion to approve this ordinance was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Gary Litteken. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote as follows:

L. Harper – aye

M. Kampwerth – aye 

R. Peek – absent

G. Litteken – aye 

K. Schmitz – aye 

K. Eversgerd – aye.

-Insurance Quotes – Kurt Schmitz reviewed the committee minutes and recommendations. The committee suggested going out for quotes every 3 years and would recompete in 2021. A motion to approve this recommendation was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0.


-Halloween – Discussion on trick or treating was held. It was stated to advertise this as Halloween night from 6-8pm. It is also stated to advise social distancing/safety measures.

-ORV Stickers – Jenny will get with Dawn Heimann-Neumann to get these ordered.

Dale brought up street oiling pay for those who assisted. It was stated $18/hour would be paid for all help current and going forward.

Jenny stated that Scott Von Bokel presented his property tax bill for TIF reimbursement. The Board stated he is not in compliance and no payment is to be sent. The Board asked Henry abouthis communication with Scott’s attorney and asked if Henry could resend the communication tothe Board.

Jenny reviewed the new IL law on Ethics, Sexual Harassment training that is required yearly. The Board has instructed Jenny to get the information together and to send it out for all to complete.

A motion to adjourn was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5- 0. Time was 8:50pm.
