Centralia School District 135 Board of Education Met Oct. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Centralia City Schools Board of Education, District No. 135, Marion, Clinton, Jefferson and Washington Counties, Illinois, held at 6:00 p.m., in the Administration Building, 400 South Elm Street, Centralia, Illinois 62801.
Members Present: Ron Johnson, Blake Griffin, Jeremy Martin, Renae Bauer (by phone), Derek Harlan, Lyle Gross, and Sue Williams
Members Absent:
Also Present: Supt. Craig E. Clark, Asst. Supt. Chris Becker, Mike Middleton, Lachelle Tate, Justin Arthur, Don Ford, Brittany Misencik
Board President Johnson called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:01 p.m.
It was moved by Martin and seconded by Harlan to adjourn to closed session to discuss personnel and student matters. Motion carried.
Adjourned to closed session at 6:03 p.m. Reconvened to open session at 7:12 p.m.
It was moved by Gross and seconded by Griffin to approve the consent agenda as follows:
Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
Approval of bills in the amount of $564,750.33.
Approval of October payroll.
Approval of returning annual income of Centralia City Schools Endowment Fund to the Centralia City Schools Endowment Fund.
Approval of the Library Grant.
Approval of disposal of surplus and outdated materials.
Motion carried.
It was moved by Harlan and seconded by Griffin to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
1. Justin Arthur addressed the Board regarding remote learning. He was concerned that he wasn’t contacted by teachers when his son was receiving failing grades. He later learned to check online for updates. Mr. Arthur and his son would prefer more participation through platforms like Zoom.
2. Lacy Tate also had concerns with quality and methods of instruction provided to her son via remote learning. She would like teachers to contact her when her son was not completing assignments, and to help get him back on
3. Don Ford presented information about the solar project. The solar array was approved for use on September 21, 2020. October has exceeded projected production most days. More than $1 million in revenue is expected by next March.
1. Chris Becker reported that the Urban Learning and Leadership coaches continue to support district teachers regarding school improvement goals. The district’s ISBE summative designation remained the same as last year since needed data could not be collected last spring. The recent iReady test results indicate that the number of low achieving students has increased, possibly due to the school closure last spring. The number of students on grade level has remained fairly constant. Teachers continue to adapt to the challenges faced by restrictions on in-person instruction and remote learning, and are making efforts to connect with students on a regular basis.
It was moved by Griffin and seconded by Martin to approve the employee in- district travel allowance. Motion carried.
A second reading was held of the following PRESS Policies:
2:220........School Board Meeting Procedure
2:220........E9 Exhibit, Requirements for no Physical Presence of Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video during Disaster Declaration.
2:260........Uniform Grievance Procedure
2:264........Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
4:180........Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery
5:10..........Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
5:20..........Workplace Harassment Prohibited
5:100........Staff Development Program
5:220........Substitute Teachers
7:10..........Equal Educational Opportunities
7:20..........Harassment of Students Prohibited
7:40..........Nonpublic School Students, including Parochial and Home-Schooled Student
7:180........Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
7:185........Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
7:190........Student; Behavior
7:340........Student Records
7:345........Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security
It was moved by Williams and seconded by Harlan to approve PRESS Policies as read. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gross and seconded by Harlan to accept the retirement request from Donna Casseday, Classroom Paraprofessional at C.J.H.S., effective at the end of the current school year. Motion carried.
It was moved by Martin and seconded by Gross to accept the retirement request from Susan Baumgartner, District Food Supervisor, effective at the end of the current school year. Motion carried.
It was moved by Griffin and seconded by Gross to accept the retirement request from Susan Kracht, Jordan Secretary, effective at the end of the current school year. Motion carried.
It was moved by Griffin and seconded by Gross to accept the retirement request from Nancy Langenfeld, Jordan Title I Paraprofessional, effective at the end of the current school year. Motion carried.
It was moved by Martin and seconded by Harlan to accept the resignation of James Silvey, School Bus Monitor. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gross and seconded by Griffin to employ Brandon Cook as Boys Assistant Baseball Coach. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gross and seconded by Griffin to employ Don Smith as Bus Monitor. Motion carried.
It was moved by Martin and seconded by Gross to employ Mary Smith as Bus Monitor. Motion carried.
It was moved by Griffin and seconded by Harlan to approve the Regional Office of Education #13 (ROE) to distribute funds from the Retailers Occupation and Service Occupation Tax on the 25th of each month with interest earned on the money in their possession before distribution being retained by the ROE to operate the District Services Fund for uses that are in the best interest of the school. Motion carried.
Supt. Clark reported on the following:
1. Building Celebrations:
- Jordan faculty and staff continue to work as a “team” to tackle what comes their way!
- We feel fortunate that we have been in attendance since the beginning of the
school year with no lost days.
- The “Dojo Leader of the Week” is being implemented to acknowledge students in each classroom who earn the most positive Class Dojo points during the week.
- We celebrated School Custodian Day and acknowledged our amazing custodians, Phil and Richard! We also celebrated Brittany, Ricky, and Walter who do a great
job assisting them with keeping our school clean and looking great.
- The Jordan School P.T.O. continues to raise money for our students. Students
will be selling St. Louis Cardinals Calendars from October 13th-23rd. Calendars
may be purchased online.
- We are in the process of receiving new desktop computers and webcams for
teachers and new Chromebooks for our students.
- Students will participate in body safety programs presented by SAFE on
October 13th -15th.
- Students will participate in a required fire drill with the Centralia Fire Department on Tuesday, October 20th. We will also be visited by the Fire Marshall on this date for
our annual inspection.
- We will celebrate “Red Ribbon Week” during the week of October 26th-30th.
Monday is “Red’y to Live A Drug Free Life” (Red Day), Tuesday is “Don’t Get Tied Up in Bad Choices” (Wear A Tie Day), Wednesday is “Say “BOO” to Drugs” (Halloween Day)”, and Thursday is “Voting for my Future to be Drug Free” (Red, White and Blue Day).
-The Jordan School P.T.O. will sponsor an interactive online assembly that will be zoomed into classrooms on Wednesday, October 28th. This assembly will feature a Halloween themed program by Mad Science of St. Louis. This day will also include Halloween themed activities throughout the school day.
- Students have participated in multiple fire drills leading up to Fire Safety
Awareness Week. Mr. Kohlmeier is also a volunteer firefighter and will be bringing a fire truck to show to the students.
- Students have done a wonderful job learning school rules and adapting to their new classrooms.
- Teachers are working very hard teaching in the classrooms and making videos for our students to watch during the week.
- Staff is currently making plans to welcome back all remote learners that are signed up to return for second quarter.
- Students are having a fun time answering and participating in our Community Building Circles each morning. A special question is asked each day during morning announcements and students share their answer to the question with their teacher and classmates.
Mrs. Patten and Mrs. Phoenix are turning the Schiller field into our very own pumpkin patch. Bales of straw are being delivered for a maze as well as activities. Pumpkins will be spread around the field for the students to pick to take home to decorate for our yearly book report. Instead of bringing the pumpkins back to school, the student will send a picture of their pumpkin dressed like their favorite book character for the teacher to judge.
Central Middle School
- Tiger Cubs of the Month were selected as follows: 4th Grade - Grayson Becker
and Nikolas Githens, 5th Grade – Brodie Burton and Kenny Fair
CMS presented 37 positive office referrals ranging from improved grades,
maintaining good grades, being respectful, being helpful, adhering to the Tiger
Cub traits, and overall positive behaviors exhibited by CMS students
- We are grateful for the donation of Halloween candy from Wal-Mart Manager,
Lea Austin.
- CMS celebrated the following teachers for their exceptional teaching efforts
and preparations: Melanie Brink, Timothia Reid, Janelle Criner and Ashley Lacey.
- CMS teacher Sherri Thomason was our first 12 at 12 winner. Teachers are
presented with a question, riddle, recall of something that has happened, something that was in the newsletter, etc. The 12th caller to extension 3400 is awarded a gift card once they have revealed the correct answer.
Centralia Junior High School
- CMS and CJHS administrators were able to work with Sonic to provide drinks
for our teachers at the end of the midterm. Our teachers have been working
incredibly hard to educate our students so we wanted to give back.
- Our baseball and softball teams worked very hard this season and both made it
to the second round of Regionals. Great job to both teams!
- Wal-Mart donated field paint to help with social distancing on the field during PE.
Thank you Wal-Mart.
- Administration and BLT are working to increase our student engagement in the
classroom. We are meeting weekly to come up with a plan to help increase engagement and work completion.
- We have had four featured teachers this month. Mrs. Wheelen-Dorries,
Mrs. Wimberly, Mr. Cook and Mrs. Klostermann. These teachers were chosen by administrators to be recognized for their hard work this month.
- We have had several students receive rewards for choosing to complete activities and doing the right thing. We are excited to look for new ways to reward students.
- We have been working on ways to revamp PBIS. We have decided to use Class Dojo to help track positive behavior. Students will receive Tiger Bucks for good behavior and they will be able to purchase a reward or save up for an activity, such as a donut and milk day. We are excited to continue to promote positive behavior in our school.
- Our custodial staff continues to work diligently to keep our building cleaned and sanitized.
- Our gym looks amazing! The floor looks better than any I have seen and the bleachers compliment it well. I know our walls will be completed soon. We are hopeful we will get to show it off in the near future. Pictures to come!
It was moved by Harlan and seconded by Griffin to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.