Village of Germantown President and Board of Trustees Met March 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular monthly Board meeting of the President and Board of Trustees for the Village of Germantown was held at 7:00 p.m. Those present included the following: Village President Duane Ripperda, Trustees: Ken Albers, Ken Brauer, Roger Rickhoff, Brad Schroeder and Jerald Schroeder. Clerk Dawn Lakenburges, Supt. Steve Mullins and Police Chief Jeff Wuebbles were also present. Trustee Michael Albers and Village Attorney Aaron Epplin were present via ZOOM. Guests included: Sherri Diesen, Brad Jones and John Wieter of HMG.
The minutes of the previous month’s meetings were available for review. A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Trustee Ken Albers, seconded by Trustee Roger Rickhoff. Motion carried.
Sherri Diesen was present to discuss the Village website. In the past, several organizations have used the Village website to advertise, accept information and even payment for events. She had contacted our web service, Serpentine, about adding some things and using a payment app to collect payment for events/raffles. After a little discussion with Clerk Lakenburges, prior to the meeting, Clerk Lakenburges thought maybe it was time for the organizations in town to get their own website but Diesen was welcome to get the Board’s input. A discussion was held and the Board agreed that the Village website was created for Village business but included links to other organization websites and was not created to be used as their own website. Diesen said she understood and that she would contact Serpentine to get a quote on creating a new website for the organizations.
Brad Jones of the Clinton County Car Club was present asking permission to hold a car cruise event in Germantown in June. The car cruise event is moving from New Baden Park to multiple communities around the county. The Germantown event would be held on Munster Street with the local bars participating in selling drinks and food. President Ripperda thanked Mr. Jones for considering Germantown and thought it was a fun event for Germantown. The Board agreed and gave permission for the event.
John Wieter of HMG Engineers was present to discuss the water and sewer replacement project. He also presented the Board with Pay Request #2 from Korte-Luitjohan. Trustee Jerald Schroeder made a motion to accept the pay request. Trustee Brad Schroeder seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Wieter then spoke about a water filtration system the EPA will be requiring of the Village. The estimated cost of the project to be $600-700K. He had a schematic of the filtration system for the Board to review. There was discussion on applying for an IEPA loan or financing the project in house. The process of applying for a loan will be more costly and time consuming. After discussing the options, the Board agreed to use TIF, Water and General funds to finance the project. Trustee Brad Schroeder made a motion to move forward and finance the project internally. Trustee Ken Brauer seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Village President Duane Ripperda said about 90 Ton of debris was removed from the Debris Yard to local farms. Once he can find more people to take the debris, equipment will be brought in and hauled off.
Police Chief Jeff Wuebbles spoke about the law reform the state of Illinois recently adopted. He would like to meet with the committee and Attorney Aaron Epplin to discuss changes to our policies and ordinances.
His department will continue working on yard clean up.
Wuebbles also said the county system is now up and running again after 6-8 weeks of being shut down. The county is also going to a new Records Management System (RMS).
Chief Wuebbles talked with spokesman, Dale Peek, about the Red Deuce property. Construction crews were recently on site to board up the place and dispose of trash. The property is still involved in a lawsuit so they don’t want to demolish or refurbish until the case has been settled.
Supt. Steve Mullins reported next. He said the W/S project is progressing and moving to the north side of the tracks. The Sewer Project is finished and the Water Project should be complete late spring/early summer.
Trustee Ken Brauer made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-03, Supplemental 2021 Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code. Trustee Roger Rickhoff seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Clerk Lakenburges asked about purchasing a few more decorative concrete trash containers and installing on Hanover Street. Trustee Ken Brauer made a motion to approve the purchase with Trustee Ken Albers seconding the motion and the motion carried.
The Village will again host a town-wide garage sale day in June this year.
Trustee Jerald Schroeder, chairman of the Finance and Insurance Committee, said the committee met to discuss the FY 21 and FY 22 Budget. A few adjustments were made to the 21 budget and everyone was presented those changes. Also the FY22 Budget was presented for approval. Trustee Jerald Schroeder made a motion to approve the changes to the FY21 Budget with Trustee Brad Schroeder seconding the motion and the motion carried. Trustee Ken Albers then made a motion to approve the FY22 Budget with Trustee Ken Brauer seconding the motion and the motion carried.
Trustee Roger Rickhoff, chairman of the Street & Sidewalk Committee, said the Committee will work on a plan for curbing and ditch closures.
Trustee Ken Brauer, Zoning, Subdivision and TIF Chairman, said the subdivision agreement with Ryan Linnemann was sent to Linnemann for approval a few months ago but haven’t heard from him.
Attorney Aaron Epplin asked about the letter he sent for a delinquent fine. The Board agreed not to pursue the case.
Trustee Jerald Schroeder made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Trustee Roger Rickhoff seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Trustee Ken Brauer then made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ken Albers seconded the motion and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:25 pm.