City of Litchfield City Council met July 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call Meeting to Order
Pledge to Flag
Roll Call
Recognition of Visitors and Special Guests: Mayor Dougherty to issue Proclamation to
Jason Black recognizing his retirement from the Litchfield Police Department
Public Participation Applicant Comments:
Other Business:
1. ***A motion to accept the minutes from the July 1, 2021 meeting.
2. ** to be passed only at the first monthly City Council meeting. A motion to direct the City Clerk to transfer funds from the city sales tax to the City's general fund to issue checks and authorize to pay the bills and process payroll.
Old Business
No Old Business
New Business:
1. Building/Zoning - Ray Kellenberger - A motion to approve an ordinance amending requirement for zoning notices in the City of Litchfield, Montgomery County, Illinois.
2. Building/Zoning - Ray Kellenberger - A motion to direct the City Attorney to begin the condemnation and demolition process on 5 vacant residential structures with addresses of:
328 N. Illinois pin #10-33-477-004
114 W. Sargent pin #15-04-128-011
1403 N. Jackson pin #10-33-177-007
524 N. Douglas pin #10-32-432-003
04 E. Buchanan pin #15-04-253-008
3. Fire/Ambulance - Woodrow Street - A motion to approve the Agreement for Assessment Services for Promotional Testing for the rank of Captain with the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association at a cost not to exceed $12,102 for the testing of up to 6 candidates and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract and the City Clerk to make payment upon completion of all testing.
4. Administration - Woodrow Street - Discussion with possible action regarding motorized bicycles.
5. Building and Grounds - Mark Brown - A motion to approve a janitorial service agreement with Eagle Eye Commercial Cleaning, Inc., for cleaning services at the Carnegie Building and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
6. Streets - Kassidy Paine - A motion to approve a Phase I Engineering Proposal from Martin Engineering for the rehabilitation of the intersection of Jackson and Hauser for $7,500 and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
7. Wastewater - Dwayne Gerl - A motion to approve the purchase of a 50 horse-power Variable Frequency Drive and installation, for Primary Pump #1, at the Litchfield Wastewater Treatment Facility. The amount will be submitted at the July 15th meeting.
8. Tourism - Marilyn Sisson - A motion to approve the Litchfield Tourism Office to create a gift shop in its space within the Carnegie Building and authorize the purchase of items for sale for an amount not to exceed $3,000.
Executive Session
A Motion to Enter into Executive Session, as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, as found in Chapter 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Section 120, to address these certain and restricted items:
1. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.- (5ILCS 120/2(2)(6)
2. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.- (5ILCS 120/2(C)(5))
New Business:
1. Possible business to follow.
2. A motion to approve a grant agreement between the State of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources and the City of Litchfield for the OSLAD grant and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.