Centralia High School District 200 Board of Education met Aug. 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Closed session
1. Personnel
2. Negotiations
3. Purchase/lease of property
D. Recognition of visitors and staff
E. Approval by consent and acceptance of agenda items F-I
F. Minutes of the regular board meeting on July 22, 2021
G. Financial reports for the period ending July 31, 2021:
1. Treasurer's report
2. Budget Analysis
2. Imprest fund expenditures
3. Activity fund accounts
H. Bills and payroll $1,521,450.92
I. Staff travel analysis
J. Principals’ reports
K. Superintendent’s report
L. Items for board consideration
1. Discussion on tennis courts
2. Approval of 2021-2022 tentative budget
3. Change September board meeting
4. Approve tentative negotiated contract with CHSEA
5. Purchase of property
6. Approval of 10,000 interfund loan from working cash fund to tort fund
7. Accept letters of resignation
8. Employment of personnel
M. Adjournment