City of Salem City Council met Aug. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Salem City Council was convened at 6:00 pm via Zoom meeting software. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nicolas Farley.
Council members present (via Zoom):
Councilman Jim Koehler
Councilman Royce Bringwald
Councilwoman Amy Trout
Councilman Craig Morton
Mayor Nicolas Farley
Council members absent: None
Others present (via Zoom):
City Manager Rex Barbee Public Works Director Annette Brushwitz City Clerk Bev Quinn Chief of Police Sean Reynolds
Finance Director Keli Barrow Deputy Chief of Police Susan Miller Economic Dev Dir Tabitha Meador City Attorney Mike Jones
Code Enforcement Officer Dave Lusch Members of the Media and Public
Councilman Koehler offered the opening prayer, with Mayor Farley leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Farley reported that the Marion County Fair is off to a good start, following some issues caused by a wet track.
Mayor Farley congratulated the Salem 10U Wildcats Little League team for their 3rd Place win at State.
Mayor Farley thanked those attending via Zoom for joining the meeting. Mayor Farley added that with the number of COVID-19 cases increasing in Marion County (38 new cases today), the danger of the Delta Variant, and with two members of City Council working in health care, is just seemed prudent to go back to Zoom. Farley added that this is not something he wants to do long-term, but it did seem to be the responsible thing to do considering the circumstances.
1. Consent Agenda
a. City Council Minutes - request approval of minutes of July 19, 2021.
Motion was made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Koehler to approve the minutes of July 19, 2021, as written.
Roll call vote:
AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Troutt, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley.
NAYS: None. Councilman Koehler abstained, as he was not at the July 19, 2021 meeting.
2. Appointment of Mark Larimer to the Historical Commission
Mayor Farley indicated Mr. Larimer has been helping with development of the Historical Museum, and after discussing this with Historical Commission Chairman Luke Purcell, they feel Mr. Larimer would be a perfect candidate to fill the open position on the Commission, and he is asking that Council approve his appointment. Motion was made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Mark Larimer to the Historical Commission.
Roll call vote:
AYES: Councilwoman Troutt, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley.
NAYS: None. Motion carried.
3. Clarification of bid to paint water towers in the Industrial Park area
City Manager Barbee indicated that at the last City Council meeting, he had recommended award of the bid for painting the Hotze Road water tower to G & L Tank Sandblasting and Coatings, who had submitted the low bid of $102,050.00. Barbee added that he has since received clarification of the RFP, and it had requested a bid for the tower on Hotze Road to be done this fiscal year, and an alternate bid to do the tower on US Rt. 50 later this year, but with the understanding that the second tower would be paid from the FY23 budget. The RFP did ask for bids for both towers. The City could choose to do only one this fiscal year, but it will be more expensive to do the second tower if G & L has to come back a second time. Council is being made aware of the omission in the reporting of the cost structure in the bid and the fact that awarding the base and alternate bid amounts will allow for G & L to combine the work force to repaint the towers in a timely and convenient process for them. G & L was the low bidder at $102,050.00 for the Hotze Rd. tower and was also the low bidder at $108,050 for the Rt. 50 tower. The City budgeted $180,000 in the FY22 Budget for the painting of the water towers, and the bids came in at $210,100, which is $30,100 over budget.
Public Works Director Annette Brushwitz indicated that in discussing this with Finance Director Keli Barrow, she was advised that if the work is done in FY22 the expenditure will be a FY22 expense, regardless of when the bill is paid. Barrow confirmed this, and added that Fund 18 revenues are coming in higher than projected, and the City will have the funds necessary to paint both towers this fiscal year. Dir. Brushwitz added that both towers have to be done.
Mayor Farley expressed concern regarding the additional $30,000 being expended, as it was not budgeted. Councilman Morton added that the work needs to be done, the revenues are there, and he would like to see both towers done. Motion was made by Councilwoman Troutt and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve award of the alternate bid of $108,050 for painting the tower on US Rt. 50 to G & L Tank Sandblasting and Coatings for completion of FY22, as presented. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Troutt, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
4. Selection of Bond Advisor for refinance of two City bond obligations
Mayor Farley asked Dir. Barrow if requests for proposals were sent out, what the results were, and what her recommendations are. Dir. Barrow indicated the RFP was sent directly to three bond advisors, it was posted on the City website and was published in the Salem Times-Commoner. Two proposals were received, one from PMA not to exceed $10,000 and one from Spear Financial in the amount of $7,500. Following additional review, the proposal from Spear contains additional fees that will be added to the base fee of $7,500, totaling over $11,000. Additionally, PMA has more of a presence in Southern Illinois and Spear Financial primarily serves the Chicago area. Based on this information, Ms. Barrow Indicated she is recommending the City Council select PMA to act as Bond Advisor on the bond refinance project. Mayor Farley asked if Dir. Barrow had checked the references provided by Spear and PMA. Dir. Barrow indicated she did not check Spear’s references, but she did check PMA’s references, and they were all happy with the services PMA provided. Motion was made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve the selection of PMA to act as Bond Advisor on the bond refinance issue.
Roll call vote:
AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Troutt, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley.
NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Farley thanked Dir. Barrow for her work on this project, and added that he appreciated her doing the research.
City Manager Barbee indicated the following:
• The Marion County Fair is going on, and encouraged everyone to attend.
• The City was visited last week by the representative of a veteran’s group that will be doing a 500-mile bike ride through Illinois, starting in Decatur and ending in Springfield. The group will be passing through Salem in September.
• City crews have been busy completing a variety of projects.
Finance Director Barrow indicated she is working on July month-end reports, and they will be sent out tomorrow morning.
Public Works Director Brushwitz indicated she had reached out to Miracle regarding the Inclusive Playground equipment and asked for an update. They have not responded yet.
Mayor Farley indicated City Clerk Bev Quinn had contacted several municipalities in an effort to find sample ordinances regarding mower safety equipment, and was unsuccessful. Quinn further contacted the Illinois Municipal League, and they indicated it may not be possible for a non-Home Rule community to adopt such an ordinance. Mayor Farley expressed his appreciation to Ms. Quinn for her work on this. Councilman Morton asked if anyone had reached out to Mr. Denzik. Mayor Farley responded that we have not, as of yet. Councilwoman Troutt indicated there was discussion on providing some public service announcements about mower safety during the last meeting, and asked if that is being done. Mayor Farley responded that the Police Department was very quick to respond, and has already posted a PSA on Facebook. Additionally, there is a radio ad that will be starting this month. Chief Reynolds concurred.
Mayor Farley indicated there is a petition going around regarding reducing the deer population.
Councilman Koehler indicated the Marion County Fair is going well, and he, too, has heard about the petition. Koehler thanked Public Works Dir. Brushwitz for posting the signs at the walking trail, and mentioned that the soccer field needs mowed again. Councilman Koehler added that the new Historical Museum is fantastic, and urged those who haven’t seen it to visit.
Councilman Bringwald indicated the Gas crew has been doing a lot of work, and he recently stopped to visit with them.
Mayor Farley indicated his appreciation for everyone’s attendance via Zoom, and indicated he welcomes City Council input on whether or not to continue holding meetings via Zoom. Farley added that he is just following the science regarding COVID-19, and our area appears to be a hot spot.
As there was no further business to discuss, at 6:25 pm, motion was made by Councilwoman Troutt and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to adjourn the meeting.
Roll call vote:
AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Troutt, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Mayor Farley.
NAYS: None. Motion carried.