
South Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

City of Centralia City Council met Dec. 20

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City of Centralia City Council met Dec. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council for Centralia, Illinois me in the Council Chambers at Centralia City Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, & Councilman Jackson Absent: Mayor Kuder

Staff Members Present: Scott Randall, City Manager; Derek Sherman, Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director; Jeff Schwartz; Public Works Director; Michelle Liggett, Finance Director; Gayla Harting; Community Development Director; Chief Dodson, Police Department; Chief Lynch, Fire Department; Bill Agee, City Treasurer; William Smith, City Attorney; and Kim Enke, City Clerk


Mayor Pro Tem Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance and Bobby Franklin led the prayer.




Police Lieutenant Todd L Hempen was recognized for his 33 years of service to the Police Department.

Vernell Burris addressed the City Council regarding the increase of cemetery fees, and the approvals of the collective bargaining agreements that include increases in wages. He stated that the Council will also be raising the rates of garbage and property taxes which is raising the costs of the residents in the community. He stated that the highest paid jobs in Centralia is the jobs of City employees. He noted that the contracts include 4% increases for 4 years. He stated that the City is placing a burden on the residents. He expressed to the Council that he would agree with 1% or 2% but not 4%. He stated that Illinois is the state that has the most people leaving due to the increase in cost of living. and asked that the Council

Eric Collins addressed the City Council to introduce himself to the Council as the President of the NAACP. He also addressed the Council regarding the increase in the amounts of grave fees. He stated that drainage issues caused a family member’s burial to surface out of the ground in the past in the back section of the cemetery. He requested that if the rates are increased, he would like the City to review the drainage and maintenance of the cemetery. He added that he serves on the cemetery board as a volunteer.


A Motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Griffin to Approve Items 1-5 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The December 6, 2021 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of The Minutes Of The December 6, 2021 Public Hearing

3. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $2,252,050.44

4. Receive And Place On File The Monthly Treasurer’s Report As Of November 30, 2021

5. A Resolution Authorizing The Use Of Raccoon Lake For Boat Races Hosted By The National Boat Racing Association

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Manager Randall reported that as discussed during the budget review process, public works conducted a survey of the neighboring cemeteries to determine how Elmwood cemetery rates compared to the others in the region. He explained the City of Centralia had the lowest rates. He stated that the modest rate increase that is proposed is the first in almost a decade and it would move Centralia’s rate to the middle of the rates in the region which will help offset some of the deficit that the cemetery currently operates with. Councilman Griffin questioned Mr. Collins concerns. City Manager Randall acknowledged that this was the first that he had heard of the concerns of Mr. Collins. Public Works Director Schwartz informed the Council that he was not aware of the issues that Mr. Collins referred to either. Councilman Castellari asked what location Mr. Collins was referring to. Mr Collins stated that the flooding included from Rose Dr. to Memorial Ln., Sunflower

Dr. to Chapel Ln, and Tulip Dr. to Legacy Ln. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he would have the Public Works Director look into his concerns.

A Motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 Of The Centralia Municipal Code Regarding An Increase In Certain Grave Opening And Closing Fees At Elmwood Cemetery.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Randall informed the City Council that the disbursement being considered is the 8th disbursement of a maximum of 15-year disbursement to Country Bob’s. He stated that the payments are a reimbursements of property taxes paid on their behalf. He explained that the agreement states that they are to receive a total $388,650.00. He stated that the distribution is 80% of their tax bill and they have received $293,800. He also noted that with the escalation that they are seeing he expects the payments to be completed in 12 years instead of 15 years. Councilman Griffin confirmed the total amount to paid to Country Bob over the term of the agreement. A Motion was made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution Approving the Disbursement of Funding per Development Agreement from the Tax Increment Finance District #4 to Country Bob, Inc. in the Amount of $36,765.82.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall stated that the disbursement being considered is the 11th payment to The Villas of Heritage Woods with $254,229 paid year to date from the maximum of $350,000.00 allowed within the 15- year agreement. He noted that the disbursements appear to be on target for the end of the disbursements. Councilman Griffin confirmed that the term of the agreement will being ending in four years. .A Motion was made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution Approving the Disbursement of Funding per Development Agreement from the Tax Increment Finance District #6 (Raccoon Lake TIF) to The Villas at Centralia Heritage Woods, L.P. in the Amount of $22,807.32.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall reported that Conagra has recently had a higher degree of discharge of solids into the sanitary sewer system and they have stopped the pretreatment of discharge, He explained that he had recently met with them, and they have requested to continue to discharge the higher concentration. He stated that the agreement presented would allow it for two years. He reported that they could go up to five years, but they wanted to review it again more frequently. He indicated that the surcharge rate payment will result in an annual contribution of $20,000/year due to the higher concentration of solids in their discharge. He stated that the City has the capacity to accommodate their discharge, but if there was additional industrial expansion, he wouldn’t want to lose capacity and need to turn away other businesses in the future. He explained that is the reason for the two-year agreement to allow them to continue this practice. Councilman Castellari clarified what the cost covers. City Manager Randall stated that the cost is for their discharge of solids and the City hauls the solids away, so it covers the cost of the hauling. A Motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution Authorizing The Issuance Of A Discharge Permit To Conagra Foods.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall noted that annually the City sets aside motor fuel tax funds in the budget for maintenance of streets for oil and chip. He stated that there are approximately six streets that are expected to be maintained in the estimated amount of $144,723.00. He stated that there may be a cost increase or additional materials, so it is authorizing up to $150,000.00 for the 2022 MFT program. A Motion was made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code and Approval of Estimate of Maintenance Costs for the 2022 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Street Maintenance Program.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall reported that this approval will expedite the purchase of police vehicles for next year due to the difficulty to obtain vehicles. He reminded the Council that previously 6 vehicles were authorized from Enterprise in July and those units will not be delivered till next July. He stated that the Police Chief found two police vehicles at 2021 prices from Morrow Brothers. He noted that they expect an $8,000 to $10,000 increase in cost, so they wanted to expedite the process and purchase these at the 2021 rate with the 2022 budgeted funds. He also stated that delivery is expected in February. Mayor Pro Tem Smith questioned the location of Morrow Brothers, and it was noted that they are located in Greenfield. Motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Griffin to Approve A Resolution Waiving The Bidding Requirements And Accepting A Proposal From Morrow Brothers Ford For Two 2022 Police Department Vehicles In The Amount Of $79,870.00.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall explained that the Police Department has 24 tasers in their inventory. He noted that the budget anticipated the replacement of 8 each year for the next three years but instead it was determined that a grant was available from IMPG. He explained that it is being recommended to purchase two years of inventory, which is 16 tasers that will be reimbursed by 50% by the grant from IPMG, the insurance carrier. He stated that the budget included $10,000.00, so the City will spend approximately $19,900 and then half of the total will be given back by the grant. He stated that 8 more would be bought next year and the entire inventory would then be replaced. A Motion was made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution Accepting A Grant From Insurance Program Managers Group And Waiving The Bidding Process For The Purchase Of Equipment For The Centralia Police Department In The Amount Of $19,965.12.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall reported that the siren maintenance being considered was an unbudgeted item. He reminded the Council that there was discussion during the budget review to upgrade the system and the first task was to identify the condition of the warning system. He noted that there are six emergency sirens on elevated towers located throughout the City. He reported that upon testing, it was determined that two of the sirens were not working. He explained that this expenditure will repair the two that are not currently working and also upgrade all of them from the 800 MHz to VHF. He explained that the VHF system will allow the dispatch to activate the system instead of the only the county activating it. He explained that the issue with the county activating them is that once they activate them, it activates all the sirens in the entire county. He added that there could be activity on the north side of the county, but the sirens are set off in the south side of the county as well. He stated that the Centralia dispatch is a 24-hour operation so they would be capable of setting off the sirens as necessary. Mayor Pro Tem Smith acknowledged that these repairs are much needed and has been a concern for some time. Councilman Castellari questioned the other surrounding communities’ siren systems asking if they will also be part of the upgrade. City Manager Randall confirmed that they will be upgrading as well. Chief Dodson explained that there are 9 sirens total in the area with 2 in Wamac and 1 in Central City and when quotes were obtained for Centralia, he also obtained quotes for them as well and they are expected to also approve the upgrade to their systems at the same time. Council Griffin questioned when the work is expected to be done and Chief Dodson stated that he expects it to be in March noting the increase in demand following the recent tornados. A Motion was made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution Waiving The Bidding Requirements And Accepting A Proposal From Global Technical Systems, Inc For The Upgrade And Installation Of The Emergency Siren Radio System In The Amount Of $14,880.00.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall reported that two of the five collective bargaining agreements that are expiring December 31st are being presented for approval. He reminded the Council that since September, two contracts were approved that had expired in 2019. He stated that it was a goal to attempt to get all 5 contracts completed within the current year. He discussed the first contract with the Operating Engineers that represents 30 people within the Public Works department. He stated that there were only two significant changes including an increase of 3.5% annually for employment health insurance noting that in 2012 the City was contributing 5% per year. He explained that it will save approximately $20 per month per employee. He stated the second change was a wage increase of 4% annually with a 4-year collective bargaining agreement. He did add that the 4% was not included in the probationary schedule or apprenticeship scale. He stated that this was the first contract that was completed and ratified, and their next agreement will not be until 2025. A Motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution To Accept The Collective Bargaining Agreement With The International Union Of Operating Engineers Local 399.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall stated that this agreement was a little more complex than the previous but was approved last Wednesday. He reminded the Council that 2 years ago, the Council authorized a 1% and 1% wage increase when there were dire financial straits so there is some catch up. He also noted that the current CPI is 7.7% this year so he feels that a 4% in a 7% environment is fair. He stated that the part time fire fighter wages were removed from the contract. He also explained that the union recognized that it is critical to recruit part-time firefighters and the current schedule called for $11 to $13 per hour wages. He stated that the budget that the Council passed increased the rates from between $11 and $13 to between $13 and $15. He stated that an additional benefit was provided to give them the opportunity to transfer, one time annually, compensatory time into sick time accrual. He explained that it is a mutual benefit to schedule their leave time and also at retirement they would only get a fraction of their sick leave. He explained that the vacation schedule was changed for newly hired firefighters. He stated that those hired after 2016 have smaller amounts of accrual that is still less than the other longer tenured firefighters, but some changes were made to the accrual schedule. He noted that there was also an increase the years of service for retirement from 8 to 20 years. He noted that there was a change to the amount paid for dental coverage with the city paying $19 and the employee paying the remaining portion of the rate. He explained that this contract is a 4 year term with 4% annual increase. A Motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Griffin to Approve A Resolution To Accept The Collective Bargaining Agreement With The International Association Of Firefighters Local Union #618.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Randall stated that the current auditing firm has been the auditor for 6 years. He stated that the Treasurer solicited other auditing firms to request proposals, but the only proposal came from the same company that has been performing the audit the past 6 years. City Manager Randal stated that he recommended approving this proposal for 1 year to allow the City to test the market again next year. He explained it is not due to being unhappy with the firm but would like an opportunity to receive proposals from other firms. He stated that the proposal is for $37,000.00 which is a $500 increase from last year. Mayor Pro Tem Smith thanked the Treasurer for seeking proposals and he questioned if there was any reason why there were no other proposals. Treasurer Agee explained that he felt that it was due to the City being on a calendar fiscal year which interferes with tax season and also due to many firms no longer doing municipal audits. City Manager Randall stated that he anticipates an earlier and broader reach the next time proposals are sought. A Motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution Accepting A Proposal For The Annual Audit Services By Kujawa & Batteau, P.C. For Fiscal Year Ending 2021.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Clerk Enke noted the closure of City Hall on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve in observance of Christmas and New Year’s. She explained that trash services will continue without delay.

City Treasurer Agee wished everyone a Merry Christmas and safe holiday season.

City Manager Randall explained that the PBPA has ratified their contract and he suggested that there will possibly be a special meeting called before December 31st. He noted that this will complete 3 of the 5 contracts.

Councilman Castellari wished everyone Happy Holidays and encouraged everyone to spend time with their families.

Councilman Jackson wished everyone Happy Holidays as well as a blessed and safe New Year.

Councilman Griffin wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. He asked that Mayor Kuder also be in everyone’s prayers over the holidays.

Mayor Pro Tem Smith asked that thoughts and prayers be given to those in Edwardsville and Mayfield, KY following the recent storms. He also thanked all of the individuals and businesses that contributed to the BCMW adopt a family program. Mayor Pro Tem Smith questioned Chief Dodson about what can be done with motorized bicycles and scooters in the city. Chief Dodson stated that the scooters are illegal. He also stated that the motorized bicycles are also subject to the rules of the roads just like any other vehicle or bicycle adding that they are regulated by the Illinois Vehicle Code and it limits what the municipalities can do to ban them. Chief Dodson explained that those that are violating the rules of the road must be caught in the act and then the officers have to deal with the behavior at that time. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he appreciates what they are trying to do and understands that their hands are tied on regulating them. Councilman Griffin stated that this is not something that is going to be dropped since it is a concern.

Mayor Pro Tem Smith wished everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and safe New Year. He encouraged everyone to think of and help those that are less fortunate.


A motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Griffin to Adjourn The Meeting.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Griffin, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m.




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