Centralia High School District 200 Board of Education met March 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Recognition of visitors and staff
D. Approval by consent and acceptance of agenda items E-H
E. Minutes of the regular meeting on February 24, 2022
F. Financial reports for the period ending February 28, 2022:
1. Treasurer's report and budget analysis
2. Imprest fund expenditures
3. Activity fund accounts
4. Cafeteria report
G. Bills and payroll $1,340,486.69
H. Staff travel analysis
I. Principals’ reports
J. Superintendent’s report
K. Items for board consideration
1. Approval of graduation date
2. Approval of school calendar
3. Change April board meeting time
4. Approval of IHSA resolution
5. Approve health life safety amendment
6. Board policies adoption (2nd reading)
7. Employment of personnel
L. Adjournment