Southwestern Community Unit School District No. 9 Board of Education met Jan. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Andrew Bagley-President, called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. and asked Kim Albert, Recording Secretary, to call roll showing those members present as: Andrew Bagley, Randy Gallaher-WebEx, Jenny Hanks, Donna Loy, Jason Oertel, Jacob Reno, Nicholas Strohbeck, Kyle Hacke, Superintendent, and Kim Albert, Recording Secretary. Andrew Bagley-President led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: None
Correspondence and Recognition: None
Administrators Reports:
Mrs. Renken, Special Education Coordinator, was present and reported that the district would be receiving their annual ISBE Compliance Review soon.
High School Principal, Mark Bearley, gave a shout out to the counseling department for the excellent job that they have been doing. The district has also contracted with Macoupin County Public Health to provide extra counseling services to help them out. He stated there are approximately 140 students benefiting from the counseling department in one way or another. Mr. Bearley also reported on a new E-Sports club that is currently being piloted in the high school. There have been eight students participating this year and Mrs. Lamer is currently sponsoring this club. The students may participate in the Illinois 1st State Series for E-Sports this year.
Shannon Bowman, Middle School Principal, mentioned how well the staff were doing in the middle school regarding attendance this year. She is very happy with this during this difficult year. Mrs. Bowman also reported that the 7th grade boys’ basketball team had won 1st place in the Illini Tournament in Jerseyville recently. Middle School volleyball teams have had a few setbacks this year but are on track to return to play on Friday, January 21st. The After-School program is going well per Mrs. Bowman with an average of 13-17 students participating. She also mentioned that the Middle School has four new students since returning after the holidays.
Shipman Elementary Principal, Rhonda Wooldridge, thanked the district nurses for doing a great job with the Covid guidelines and keeping the buildings running smoothly during this crisis. She also mentioned that the teachers/students were gearing up for the Benchmark tests coming up shortly. The principal reported that Tracy Zerwas, Art Teacher, was notified that she will be allowed to participate in an Art show in March at the Jacoby Arts Center in Alton. Mrs. Zerwas is very excited but is limited to 10 exhibits. Shipman Elementary has 16 students participating in the After-school program with three teachers supervising.
Brighton North Primary Principal, Kim Reed, informed the board to watch the local newspaper as the kindergarten class has been working on a new series-Kindness Counts and there would be pictures in the paper. They have been busy honoring their parents, bus drivers, grandparents, fire personnel, a person in the Armed Forces, and most recently local nursing home residents. Piasa Team kindly provided the kindergarten students $100 to be used toward a community service project.
Mr. Hopkins, Medora Intermediate Principal, made mention of the additional counseling personnel and how grateful he was to have them. He also reported on the new telephones in the buildings/classrooms and how nice the new system is. Mr. Hopkins also acknowledged how awesome the HS Pep band was and what a great job they do representing Southwestern! He also said how happy he is that we have been able to keep the schools open during this Covid pandemic and that this works the best for the students and staff alike. Mr. Hopkins mentioned that Medora would be starting state testing as well before long. Also, the District Improvement team has been meeting and getting surveys back. Mr. Hopkins will be putting some information together for the board soon.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Hacke reported that the enrollment is currently still 1223, but January may show a little increase due to enrollment sometimes rises over the holidays and the start of second semester. Mr. Hacke stated that the district still has an opening at the High School for a In-School Suspension paraprofessional.
Mr. Hacke gave a run down of Covid numbers currently in the district. The new guidelines have been implemented. He indicated that the local health departments are pulling back some regarding giving directions. The school secretaries are also having to increase asking individuals who call in to report absences more questions.
Items for Discussion or Acknowledgement: None
Items Considered for Action…
Consent Agenda:
Items discussed in the consent agenda included the following…the financial report with balances as of December 31, 2021, being: Education Fund $5,519,845.00, Operations/Maintenance $1,258,206.00, Transportation $891,429.00, Working Cash $3,194,630.00, with the total being $10,864,110.00, and the County Schools Facilities Sales Tax Revenue for December was $54,270.75, December bills…Imprest bills…extra and substitute pay…substitute list…special board meeting minutes-Tax Levy Hearing December 21, 2021…regular board meeting minutes from December 21, 2021…closed session minutes from December 21, 2021…and special board meeting minutes from January 4, 2022.
Mr. Hacke reported financially the district is doing good. The district is 50% of the way thru the fiscal year. No questions/concerns were voiced regarding the Consent Agenda. Donna Loy made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Andrew Bagley made the second motion to approve the consent agenda.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Mr. Hacke requested a motion to accept the PRESS Update 108 as presented-second reading. Andrew Bagley made the first motion to accept with Donna Loy making the second motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley
Nays: None
A discussion was held regarding the Authorizing and Directing the Sale and/or Disposition of Personal Property in Accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-22.8. No motions were made.
Mr. Hacke explained that the district is hiring 2 full-time substitute teachers for the 2nd semester. There were seven applicants that applied. Jenny Hanks made a motion to hire two full-time substitutes for the remainder of the school year. Jacob Reno seconded the said motion. Heather Gabbert and Tyler Hamilton will be employed to fill these positions.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher
Nays: None
Jason Oertel made a motion to employ Brenda Brooks as a 3-hour Lunchroom. Nicholas Strohbeck seconded the said motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, and Hanks
Nays: None
Jenny Hanks made a motion to move into closed session with Jason Oertel seconding the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Loy
Nays: None
TIME: 7:49pm
Jason Oertel made a motion to move back into open session with Andrew Bagley seconding such.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, and Oertel
Nays: None
TIME: 8:53pm
Being no further business, Nicholas Strohbeck made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Jason Oertel seconding the motion to adjourn.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:54pm.