Southwestern Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met July 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Andrew Bagley, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. and asked Randy Gallaher, Board Secretary, to call roll showing those members present as: Andrew Bagley, Randy Gallaher, Jenny Hanks, Jason Oertel, Jacob Reno, Nicholas Strohbeck, Dr. Kevin Bowman, Superintendent, and Kim Albert, Recording Secretary. Donna Loy was absent. Andrew Bagley, President, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: Mr. Bagley welcomed the district’s new Superintendent, Dr. Kevin Bowman, back to the district but in a different roll. No other public comment was noted.
District Highlights: Teachers-Mr. Hasquin, Mr. Eldred, and Mr. Pace-Guidance were in attendance and gave a report/slideshow on the recent trip to Europe with 18 students. They were gone 11 days, 06/03/2022-06/12/2022. The trip is usually taken every two years with junior/seniors being able to travel. They thanked the board for giving their permission for the trip. There were no issues reported. The gentleman said it was a wonderful trip, great experience for the students, and everyone had a great time.
Correspondence and Recognition: None
Administrators Reports: Administrators were not at this meeting.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Bowman expressed his gratitude to the board for his employment as well as thanking the previous superintendent, Mr. Hacke, and staff for their help getting settled in.
Dr. Bowman discussed the School Opening plan briefly; thus far, the school year will be back to normal with continued monitoring and cleaning as previously done. Remote learning options will still be available to children in need with a physicians note.
Items for Discussion or Acknowledgement:
Dr. Bowman discussed shortly the board policies update 1st Reading-2:230, 5:80, & 7:285. These are required updates with no action needed.
The board acknowledged Nicole Huber’s resignation effective July 8, 2022. The board acknowledged Kendra Campion’s resignation effective July 14, 2022.
Items Considered for Action…
Consent Agenda:
Items discussed in the consent agenda included the following…the financial report with balances as of June 30, 2022, being: Education Fund $5,015,774.00, Operations/Maintenance $1,055,775.00, Transportation $791,476.00, Working Cash $3,204,415.00, with the total being $10,067,431.00, June bills…Imprest bills…extra and substitute pay…substitute list-none…and the regular board meeting minutes from June 21, 2022. As of date, we have not received the June County Schools Facilities Sales Tax Revenue.
Dr. Bowman stated that the district finished the fiscal year in good shape financially. He thinks the yearly audit that will be held in one week will be decent and the district should get a good rating.
There were no questions raised regarding the Consent Agenda. Jacob Reno made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented with Jason Oertel seconding the motion for such. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Andrew Bagley made a motion to set September 20, 2022, at 6:45pm as the date/time to display the fiscal year 2023 budget. Randy Gallaher seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley
Nays: None
The trash bid for 2022-2023 was brought back to the board as a one-year bid. The 22-23 School year trash bid was awarded to Robert Sanders Waste Systems, Inc., after Jason Oertel made a motion to accept their bid and Andrew Bagley seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Hanks, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher
Nays: None
The board discussed possibly replacing the MS Entrance Door but decided to put this project off at this time.
Sara Bunting will be employed as a Paraprofessional for the 2022-2023 School year after Nicholas Strohbeck made the motion with Jacob Reno seconding the motion. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, and Hanks
Nays: None
Dr. Bowman requested the board approve the posting for a Floating Custodian for the 2022- 2023 School Year. Jason Oertel made a motion to approve to post for a floating custodian. Jenny Hanks made the second motion to approve.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Oertel
Nays: None
Andrew Bagley made a motion to post for a 3-hour Lunchroom worker with Nicholas Strohbeck seconding the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
Dr. Bowman requested the board approve adding 1-hour to Julia Hendricks schedule as a Lunchroom worker. Andrew Bagley and Nicholas Strohbeck made the motion to approve adding the 1-hour.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Superintendent Bowman explained to the board regarding approving SY 22-23 Non-Federal Source Contributions for the food service program. After several questions were answered, Randy Gallaher made a motion to approve SY22-23 Non-Federal Source Contributions for the food service program. Nicholas Strohbeck seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley
Nays: None
Jacob Reno made a motion to recall Health Services Coordinator, Annette Baker, for the 2022-2023 School Year. Nicholas Strohbeck made the second motion to recall Mrs. Baker. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Hanks, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher
Nays: None
Christy Whipps, 6th Grade Teacher, requested the board approve her retirement at the end of the 2026-2027 School year. Jenny Hanks made the first motion to approve her retirement with Jason Oertel seconding the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, and Hanks
Nays: None
Jason Oertel made a motion to move into closed session with Andrew Bagley seconding to move into closed session.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Oertel
Nays: None
TIME: 7:52pm
Jason Oertel also made a motion to move back into open session. Nicholas Strohbeck seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
TIME: 8:54pm
Jacob Reno made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Andrew Bagley seconding the motion to adjourn.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.