City of Pana City Council met Jan. 23.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Nathan Pastor called the meeting of the Pana City Council to order at 7:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
Roll Call showed the following Aldermen as being present: Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson were present. Hocq was absent. Seven aldermen were present. One was absent.
Scott/Woods to approve the consent agenda as presented. Items included in the consent agenda are the minutes of the January 9, 2023 regular session meeting, payroll to be paid on January 27, 2023, disbursements to be paid on February 1, 2023, and the December 2022 Treasurer's report. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Beeson to pass Ordinance #1907, "An Ordinance Amending the Agreement Between the City of Pana and Local Union 726 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, AFL-CIO." The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson, Eddy voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Stephens to pass Ordinance #1908, "An Ordinance Approving a Lease of Municipal Property - Oak Terrace - January 10, 2023 - January 10, 2033." The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson, Eddy, Schneider voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Beeson to pass Ordinance #1909, "An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Property at 11 West Washington Street to Joe Coleman." The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson, Eddy, Schneider, Stephens voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Beeson to acknowledge the first presentation of "An Ordinance Approving a TIF Redevelopment Agreement with Sam Bonney and Melissa Bonney d/b/a Sparrow Bicycle Company." The motion carried on a voice vote.
Scott/Woods to acknowledge the first presentation of "An Ordinance Approving the Pana Lake TIF Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project." The motion carried on a voice vote.
Woods/Scott to acknowledge the first presentation of "An Ordinance Designating the Pana Lake TIF Redevelopment Project Area." The motion carried on a voice vote.
Woods/Scott to acknowledge the first presentation of "An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing." The motion carried on a voice vote.
Woods/Stephens to acknowledge the first presentation of "An Ordinance Adopting the 2020 National Electrical Code." The motion carried on a voice vote.
Woods/Stephens to pass Resolution #23-01, "A Resolution for a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Carol James." The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Smith, Woods, Beeson, Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Mayor Pastor reminded Council that the next regular meeting would be on February 14, 2023 due to Lincoln's Birthday.
Scott/Woods to approve a sewer adjustment for Malena Warren at 919 E 7th St. in the amount of $33.07 leaving a balance due of $79.00. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Woods, Beeson, Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Woods to approve a sewer adjustment for Pat Dilley at 202 N Locust in the amount of $55.86 leaving a balance due of $145.18. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Beeson, Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Scott/Woods to approve a sewer adjustment for American Way Storage at 194 US Highway 51 in the amount of $152.13 leaving a balance due of $248.20. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Eddy, Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Woods/Eddy to pay Lexipol renewal in the amount of $4,495.36. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Schneider, Stephens, Scott, Smith, Woods, Beeson, Eddy voting aye. No nays. Seven ayes.
Woods/Eddy to acquire quotes for a new police vehicle. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Alderman Smith informed Council that Michael Breedlove will be doing fundraising to make improvements to the Pool. Keith Cearlock of the Historical Society has received permission from Ameren to hang Military Banners on the wooden poles at Kitchell Park. Permission from the City to hang the Banners will be voted on at the next Council meeting.
Woods/Scott to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.