
South Central Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Macoupin County Board General Administrative Committee met July 6

Macoupin County Board General Administrative Committee met July 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


PRESENT: Dunnagan, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, McGartland, Blank, Tiburzi

ABSENT: Stayton, Acord, Adden


1. Approve Draft Agenda for July Full Board Meeting

Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Kiel to approve the draft agenda for July full Board meeting with the additions.


MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Member

AYES: Dunnagan, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff

ABSENT: Stayton, Acord, Adden

2. Non-Union Employee Time Sheets

Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Kilduff to approve the timesheets.


MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Member

SECONDER: Ryan Kilduff, Member

AYES: Dunnagan, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff

ABSENT: Stayton, Acord, Adden

3. New Property Tax Software

Duncan. Bresnan, and McGartland all discussed that the current property tax software was problematic at this point and after discussing with the State's

Attorney, they felt that this was an emergency in getting a new option in place without bidding. It had been a struggle to get the bills out this year and they felt without getting a new option, there was a chance no bills would go out next year. DevNet, a tax software used by most counties around them, had provided a proposal which they would be discussing at the August Finance committee meeting. This was more informational for the committee as they are the committee tasked with property tax oversight.

4. Update on County Website Redesign

Duncan said that this was an American Rescue Plan request his office had handled on the Board's behalf. This was the first redesign to the county website in about 15 years. The website now has a mobile friendly version. Duncan also said one of the benefits of the new site is having a 'I want to....' navigation option. The old site required knowing which office or department had the info the visitor was searching for where now they can use the 'I want to...' and get to where they are wanting to go quickly based on those links. Duncan said this was just informative since the Board had approved spending that ARPA money and he wanted them to see what they got.

5. Public Transportation Program Update

Blank said they had a big accomplishment in terms of numbers in terms of revenue is going in the right direction as they've gotten 26% of the annual revenue in two months. They are only doing about 13% of the amount of rides compared to before the fare and contract changes. They are proposing four fixed routes throughout the county. This would be a significant change as right now, the rides are on demand whereas this would be more of a set time and locations for rides. This would hopefully help increase the number of rides. This would not change medical rides or Senior-On-Go rides.
