
South Central Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met May 14

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Matt Lentz, President | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Matt Lentz, President | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1) A regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Matt Lentz, at the Hillsboro Unit Office at 7:00 p.m. The following board members were present: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby.

2) Agenda Item 2.0. Good News Reports

Junior High Principal VanGiesen congratulated the following students that have all qualified for the state track meet: Kaelin Cress, Piper Walk, Bailey Chappelear, Aubrey Huber, Mia Wells, Alexa Compton, Roman Reed, Davis Tomei, Cody Payne, Gabe Wells, Nolan Adams, Leland Armbruster, Joseph Lanter, Jack Cunningham, Rocco Romero, Caleb Patton, Hudson Wright, Josiah Atkins.

The Board of Education honored twenty-year employees with the presentation of engraved pen stand. The following employee was recognized:


20 Year Employees

Tammy Hanner

Supt Powell presented each retiree with an engraved clock. The following employees were recognized:



Bret Tuetken

Gail Speraneo

Betsy Homa

Janet Wilkinson

Jon Osborn

Lynda Compton

Cathy Epley

Pam Guinn

Debra Beeler

Dennis Toberman

Amy Redman

3) Agenda Item 3.0 Consent Agenda

3.1 Approval of Regular Session Minutes from April 9, 2024

President Lentz asked for additions or corrections to the April 9, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. Board member Cerruti requested an addition.

Motion made by Mike Cerutti, seconded by Blake Furness to add onto Agenda Item 5.1- "Mr. Patton mentioned his children by name and a change in the policy would directly affect them. There are currently 8 sports being played by homeschool participants and 6 of them are by his children" On roll call the following voted yes:. Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti and Matt Lentz. John Lentz, Nathan Kirby and Brian Patton voted no. Motion carried 4.-3.

3.2 Approval of Executive Session Minutes from April 9, 2024

President Lentz asked for additions or corrections to the April 9, 2024, Executive Session Meeting Minutes. There were none.

3.3 Review and Approval of Payables

President Lentz asked for questions or comments. There were none.

3.4 Financial Report

President Lentz asked for questions or comments. Superintendent Powell mentioned all CD's were renewed May 1st with a rate of 4.75%.

Consent Agenda Vote.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by Kassie Greenwood to approve the consent agenda items 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 as presented. On roll call the following voted yes:. Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

4) Agenda Item 4.0 Old Business

4.1 Consideration of Adding an Agriculture/Science Teaching Position at HHS

Principal Heyen was present to answer any additional questions the board may have had since presented last month. No questions or comments.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the addition of an Agriculture/Science Teacher at HHS. On roll call the following voted yes:. Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti and Nathan Kirby.

Motion carried 7-0.

5) Agenda Item 5.0 New Business

5.1 Presentation of 2023 Property Tax Computation Report

Superintendent Powell reported the tax rate is $4.77, which is down $0.05 from last year. It is great news that there was no increase with the high school building project underway.

5.2 Consideration of 2024-2025 School Fees and Adult Meal Prices

Superintendent Powell is not recommending any changes to the 2024-2025 School fees. Food Service Director is proposing an increase in the adult meal prices to meet USDA/ISBE guidelines. Adult breakfast will increase to $2.50 and lunch will be $3.70.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve 2024-2025 school fees and adult meal prices as presented. On roll call the following voted yes:. Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

5.3 Consideration of FY24 Consolidated District Grant Plan

FY24 is that Title 1003a is no longer in the school improvement cycle and ESSER III is ending 9/30/2024.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the FY24 District Grant Plan as presented. On roll call the following voted yes:. Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7- 0.

5.4 Preliminary FY24 Amended Budget Presentation

Superintendent Powell stated the Capital Projects Fund is the only one that needs to be amended. In general, there was more spent on repair and maintenance of all facilities than anticipated. The budget was also set before the high school building project was awarded and there will be more money spent this fiscal year that expected. Superintendent Powell will continue working and make a formal recommendation for approval in June.

5.5 Considerations of Change Order on High School Construction Project

Tim Downen of Hurst-Rosche discussed the need for a change order. The plan currently calls for vinyl tile in the restrooms. The proposed switch would be going with a ceramic tile which is better for cleaning and maintenance. Mr. Downen and Hurst-Rosche will continue to work with contractors to get the cost lowered and have a recommendation for approval in June.

Superintendent Powell thanked Mr. Downen noting that the district is 6 million dollars into the building project and the change orders to date amount to $35,000.

5.6 First Reading of Policy Revision Recommendations

Superintendent Powell reviewed PRESS Policy revisions from Issue 114. Board will review policies, action will be taken at the March board meeting.

6) Agenda Item 6.0 Communication

There was none.

7) Agenda Item 7.0 Recognition of Audience

No cards submitted.

8) Agenda Item 8.0 Executive Session

Motion made by Nathan Kirby and seconded by John Lentz to move into Executive Session at 7:56 p.m. for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. Voice vote. Motion carried.

Motion by Nathan Kirby and seconded by John Lentz to move out of Executive session at 8:16 p.m. Voice Vote. Motion carried.

9) Agenda Item 9.0 Action Items Resulting from Executive Session

9.1 Acceptance of Letter of Intent to Retire from Food Service Workers

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the retirement of cafeteria workers Cathy Epley and Pam Guinn at the conclusion of the school year. Voice vote. Motion carried 7-0.

9.2 Employment of High School Agriculture/Science Teacher

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the employment of High School Agriculture/Science Teacher Levi Sibert. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

9.3 Employment of Junior High Science Teacher

No action taken.

9.4 Approval of Volunteer Football Coach

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Alex Holtschulte as a Volunteer Football Coach at HHS. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

9.5 Approval of Volunteer Girls Tennis Coach

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Carrie Alexander as a Volunteer Girls Tennis Coach at HHS. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby, Motion carried 7-0.

9.6 Consideration of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborers Local 1084 (Custodians)

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborers Local 1084 (Custodians). On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

10) Agenda Item 10.0 Adjournment.

Motion by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried.
