Bryan Kuder - City of Centralia Mayor | City of Centralia
Bryan Kuder - City of Centralia Mayor | City of Centralia
City of Centralia City Council met Oct. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council for Centralia, Illinois met on Monday October 28, 2024, in the Council Chambers at Centralia City Hall. Mayor Kuder called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Kuder, Council Member Castellari; Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, and Council Member Jackson
Absent: None
Staff Members Present: Andrew Thomson, City Attorney; Chief Christopher Locke, Police Department; Jeremy Henderson, Finance Director; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Jeff Schwartz, Public Works Director; Chief Jeff Day, Fire Department; Derek Sherman, Economic Development Director; Bill Agee, Treasurer; and Kim Enke, Assistant City Manager/City Clerk
Mayor Kuder led the Pledge of Allegiance and Council Member Fontanez led the prayer.
David Bozwell addressed the Council to discuss the duck hunting on Raccoon Lake and the complaints and claims made on social media against himself and hunting. He referred to the past and current ordinances and the possibility of allowing the hunting once again. Mr. Boswell stated that he has now rescinded his question of the Council to consider allowing hunting and stated that he is no longer interested in pursuing the change in ordinances.
Bruce Loyd and Kenya Loyd initially requested to speak during public participation but declined to speak at the time of public participation.
Tom Hawkins addressed the City Council regarding the history and reasons for no longer allowing duck hunting on Raccoon Lake. He thanked Mr. Boswell for rescinding his request of the Council.
Jeanell Charman addressed the City Council regarding the duck blind permits previously issued several years ago and the difficulty of the enforcement of rules if it were to be allowed.
Roger Campbell addressed the City Council regarding the electric aggregation program agreements and his understanding of them. He discussed the referendum to pass the electric aggregation program that passed with the vote of the residents. He stated that he felt residents should not be opted in automatically.
Mary Davis as the Chairwoman of the Centralia Tourism addressed the City Council with Commissioners Sutton and Cooney also present. Mrs. Davis stated that the recommendation of the Tourism Commission for the 2025 budget is to reallocate the budgeted funds previously budgeted for Celebrate Centralia, Summer Market, and Professional Services to the printing and advertising budget within the Tourism budget. She discussed the history of the events, the cost to the City for holding the events, and the new events that are now sponsored by local businesses and organizations. She explained how the use of the funds and staff resources would increase tourism more so than the city planning and hosting these events.
A Motion was made by Council Member Fontanez and seconded by Council Member Allen to Approve Items 1-3 of the Consent Agenda.
1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The October 15, 2024 City Council Meeting
2. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $771,099.44
3. Receive And Place On File The Treasurer’s Report As Of September 30, 2024
Ayes: Council Member Castellari, Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, Council Member Jackson, and Mayor Kuder
Nays: None
A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.
City Clerk Enke explained that the redevelopment agreement presented is with the developers of F.C.L.E., LLC, an Illinois limited liability company and James B. Danielwicz, individually, who has advised the City of the intent to acquire the machinery, equipment, and inventory for existing and future contracts at F.C.L.E., LLC, located at 624 N. Elm Street in order to grow the light industry railroad manufacturing business operating at the property in Centralia. She explained that they are a family-owned business with over 130 years of expertise in railroad and contract shop operations with contracts globally. She stated that they currently employ 6 people and plan to grow up to 16 individuals within two (2) years. She further explained that this agreement for a ten-year loan at a five percent (5%) monthly rate will help as the gap financing for machinery, equipment, and inventory for the existing contracts and future contracts. A Motion was made by Council Member Jackson and seconded by Council Member Allen to Approve An Ordinance Approving A Redevelopment Agreement By And Between The City Of Centralia, F.C.L.E., LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company (Freight Car Locomotive Experts), and James B. Danielwicz, Individually.
Ayes: Council Member Castellari, Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, Council Member Jackson, and Mayor Kuder
Nays: None
A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.
Council Member Fontanez stated that he had recently seen the business in operation at this location and thanked Mr. Danielwicz for investing in the community. Mr. Danielwicz addressed the Council thanking them and further discussed his plans for development of his business.
Public Works Director Schwartz stated that the agreement being considered is annual MFT engineering agreement for oil and chip of local roads. A Motion was made by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Jackson to Approve A Resolution Approving An Agreement with Gonzalez Companies, LLC. to Perform Preliminary Engineering and Engineering Inspection Services for the 2025 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Street Maintenance Program.
Ayes: Council Member Castellari, Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, Council Member Jackson, and Mayor Kuder
Nays: None
A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.
Chief Locke explained that the vehicle being considered for purchase was to replace a vehicle that is beyond its use by the department but has the possibility to be repurposed by ESDA. He stated that the new vehicle with low miles would be used for administration and investigative purposes and the purchase is from a reliable organization that he has previous purchasing experience with. Council Member Fontanez clarified that the vote is to approve the purchase only and not the purpose of the vehicle being replaced. A Motion was made by Council Member Jackson and seconded by Council Member Castellari to Approve A Resolution Waiving The Bidding Requirements And Approving The Purchase Of A 2022 Dodge Durango From The Kansas Highway Patrol In The Amount Of $34,500.00.
Ayes: Council Member Castellari, Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, Council Member Jackson, and Mayor Kuder
Nays: None
A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.
City Clerk Enke reported that the filing period has ended with the following individuals filing for the two Council Member positions in the 2025 election: Andrew J. Heser, Robert “Rob” Jackson, and Marion “Bunny” Garrett. She explained that there will be a lottery on November 5th at 11 a.m. for the first position on the ballot due to the simultaneous filings on the first day of the filing period.
Council Member Castellari, referring to the number of residents in attendance for the request for or against duck hunting and other public participation, thanked the many residents that have taken the time to provide feedback and have a voice at the meetings. He thanked Jim Danielwicz for the investment in the community.
Council Member Fontanez thanked the Public Works staff and the Police and Fire Department for their work over the weekend for the Fall Festival and Parade noting the work that takes place behind the scenes. He stated how much he enjoyed being in the parade and watching it. He also thanked the members of the public for attending the meeting and stated that many questions can be answered by attending the meetings and also can be found on the city website.
Council Member Allen thanked Chief Locke and the Police Department for keeping everyone safe during the recent community events especially with the number of events and large crowds. She noted the large amount of participation, the size of the crowd, and involvement of the community. In reference to Mr. Campbell’s comments about the aggregation program, Council Member Allen stated that she had recently received the same letter that other residents are getting from Homefield. She explained that this program is an option for residents to consider for themselves and choose. She stated that this letter explains this process and stated that aggregation provides some stability in rates. She stated that the city is just trying to get the best rate possible that can be guaranteed. She stated that the taxes and fees are part of all utilities and how the system works. She stated that she doesn’t want anyone to think that there is not transparency because this has been discussed and explained at previous meetings.
Mayor Kuder thanked those that organized the parade and Butch Mathus for his work and contribution to the Fall Festival and Halloween Parade. He wished the CHS Orphans the best of luck at the upcoming playoff game. He also thanked Mr. Danielwicz for his investment in his business and the community. He also discussed how they are working with the high school and college welding programs and encouraged welders to apply at F.C.L.E. Mayor Kuder also stated how much it is appreciated when residents come to the meetings. He stated that when people come, they help spread the word of what is happening in addition to the information that is in the newspaper, on the radio, or on the website.
A motion was made to Adjourn The Meeting.
Ayes: Council Member Castellari, Council Member Fontanez, Council Member Allen, Council Member Jackson, and Mayor Kuder
Nays: None
A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m. .