City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook
City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook
City of Salem City Council met Jan. 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
The regular January 8, 2025 meeting of the Salem City Council was convened in the Council Chambers of Salem City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nicolas Farley at 6:01 PM.
Council members present:
Councilman Royce Bringwald
Councilman Craig Morton
Mayor Nicolas Farley
Council members absent:
Councilwoman Tracy Crouch
Councilman Jim Koehler
Others present:
City Manager Annette Sola
City Attorney Matt Wilzbach
City Clerk Tabitha Meador
Acting Chief of Police Tyler Rose
Public Works Director Travis Sanders
Economic Development Director Leah Dellicarpini
Finance Director Keli Barrow
Recreation Director Jed Casburn
DOEM Director Andrew Strong
Frank Addison, Planning Commission Chairman
Members of the Salem Police Department
Members of the Rose Family
Bruce Kropp, WJBD-WSIQ Radio
Dennis Rosenberger, Salem Times-Commoner
Members of the Public
II. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Bringwald offered the opening prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Presentation of Petitions/Public Comments – None.
IV. Mayor’s Report and Presentations
• thanked Public Works crews for clearing the roads, Emergency Management for tracking the winter storm, and the Police Department for keeping everyone safe. He expressed his appreciation for their hard work;
• introduced Matt Wilzbach as the new City Attorney.
V. City Council Action
1. Consent Agenda
(a) Approval of Minutes from the December 16, 2024 Council Meeting
Motion made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
2. Swearing in of Tyler Rose as City of Salem, Deputy Chief of Police
Mayor Farley indicated Tyler Rose has been appointed the Deputy Chief of the Salem Police Department. Mayor Farley administered the oath of office to Deputy Chief of Police Rose, while his family stood at his side. Mayor Farley indicated Deputy Chief Rose will assume the role as Acting Chief of Police while the search for a new Chief is being conducted. Acting Chief Rose thanked now retired Chief Miller and City Manager Sola for the opportunity to serve as Deputy Chief of Police and thanked his co-workers at the Salem Police Department for their support.
3. Discussion about the July 4th Celebration in Bryan Memorial Park
Mayor Farley indicated Recreation Director Casburn is seeking guidance on the July 4th celebration in Bryan Memorial Park. City Manager Sola indicated there has been discussion on how to move forward with the event; ideas include changing the time of the concert to allow a bigger name band or push the even to the fall to possibly coordinate with the Fall Family Night. It was the consensus for Recreation Director Casburn to come back to Council with a recommendation on how to proceed with the July 4th Celebration.
4. Request Approval of proposal from TOP Electric on upgrade to City Hall building
Mayor Farley indicated Tom Paulson, TOP Electric, has been working with Ameren to correct the current electrical outside the back door of City Hall. The proposal includes removing the existing box from the back of the building, have a free-standing box made and installed in the asphalt next to one of the buildings, trenching new lines from the box to the individual buildings and then tying in all new electric lines to City Hall. The process will take many months to complete, the lead time on the electric box is approximately four months and will need to be done in phases to allow City Hall to remain open during the process. The estimate received is $97,800.00 and includes all phases of the project. Public Works Director Sanders indicated the electrical work needs to be done before other City Hall repairs move forward. Motion made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve the estimate of electrical work by TOP Electric, not to exceed $100,000.00. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
5. Accept donation of building at 109 S. Broadway
Mayor Farley indicated that with the retirement of City Counselor Mike Jones, he will be vacating his building at 109 South Broadway and wants to donate the building to the City. Mayor Farley indicated he would like either the City Manager or the Public Works Director to work with a contractor to inspect the building, and come back to Council with a report before a decision is made.
Motion made by Councilman Morton and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to table accepting the donation of the building at 109 S. Broadway until the next Council meeting. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
6. Request approval of amendment to Sec. 2-135 of the City Code of Ordinances
Mayor Farley indicated this is clean-up of language as to how sick and vacation time has been paid out. The new sentence added to the code will state that sick time is converted to ½ of its value for up to a maximum of seventy (70) days; an additional statement included at the end of the paragraph states that any negotiated contract would supersede this provision. City Manager Sola indicated the language is in both union contracts, adding to City Code will address administrative employees.
Motion made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Morton to approve Ordinance 2025-01, updating section 2-135 Separation, subsection (i) to state that sick time is converted to ½ of its value for up to a maximum of seventy days and that any negotiated contract would supersede this provision. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
VI. City Manager and Department Head Reports
City Manager Sola:
• indicated the searches for the next Chief of Police and City Manager are underway. Jim Arndt has communicated that twenty-five applications have been received for Chief and fifteen applications have been received for City Manager. She further indicated Mr. Arndt has started reviewing applications for Chief, with the intention of making an offer to a candidate the first of March;
• indicated Department Heads will be participating in a management workshop with Jim Arndt on Saturday, January 11 that will guide him to find the next City Manager;
• indicated budget work has begun.
Economic Development Director Dellicarpini:
• indicated she received a phone call in regards to renting an apartment in the new apartment complex on Airport Road;
• indicated groundwork for the apartment complex is delayed due to weather, but developer Scott Conant is hopeful to be open in March;
• indicated Telecommunicator Officer Brad Crow has stepped in to Code Enforcement in the interim. She further indicated a short list of candidates is being interviewed for the position.
Finance Director Barrow: No report.
Public Works Director Sanders:
• indicated crews have been busy with snow removal;
• indicated raw water pump repair estimates are coming in.
Recreation Director Casburn:
• indicated programs and registrations for 2025 are underway.
Acting Police Chief Rose:
• indicated one new officer has enrolled in the Academy, but the department is still short three officers. A new eligibility list will be coming up in February for the May Academy.
DOEM Director Strong:
• indicated DOEM assisted Public Works with traffic control at Main and Broadway;
• indicated we were lucky with the winter storm that passed through this week, and the next round should just be snow;
• indicated residents should be prepared for the super cold predicted for this week;
• indicated Carl Dunn with United Medical Response donated six Rescue Task Force bags that will be placed in the EMA vehicles. The are standardized equipment carried by fire, police, and EMS for rapid treatment during a mass event.
City Attorney Wilzbach:
• indicated he has been practicing law in Marion County since 2000, and he was born and raised here. He previously served as Marion County States Attorney for twelve years. He is excited for the opportunity to serve as the attorney for the City of Salem, in addition to his existing practice;
• indicated Ordinance Court will be at 9:00 AM on the first Tuesday of the month, starting in February.
VII. City Council Members Reports
Councilman Bringwald:
• Indicated Public Works crews took good care of us during the winter storm and appreciated their outstanding work and dedication.
VIII. Motion to Adjourn
Motion was made by Councilman Morton and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 PM. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.