Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website
Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website
City of Greenville Lake Committee met Jan. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members Present: Committee Person Jim Tarasuik, Committee Person Kyle Smith, Gary Trudell, Lake Committee Member Andrea Nord, and Lake Committee Member Caleb Walton
Committee Members Absent:
Staff Present: City Manager Jo Hollenkamp, Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Ketten, City Clerk Jody Weiss
Public Present: None
4.1. Review of previous meeting minutes
Motion by Kyle Smith, seconded by Gary Trudell, to approve the July 15, 2024 minutes.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Kyle Smith
SECONDER: Gary Trudell
AYES: Jim Tarasuik, Kyle Smith, and Gary Trudell
ABSTAINED: Andrea Nord and Caleb Walton
5.1. Review of 2025 Governor Bond Lake Summary of Regulation/Boating Information Motion by Gary Trudell, seconded by Jim Tarasuik, Motion to approve the 2025 Governor Bond Lake Summary of Regulation/Boating Information as presented.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Gary Trudell
SECONDER: Jim Tarasuik
AYES: Jim Tarasuik, Kyle Smith, Gary Trudell, Andrea Nord, and Caleb Walton
5.2. Old Business
The committee welcomed new members, Caleb Walton and Andrea Nord to the board. Smith explained they usually meet in February, May, August and November.
Tarasuik asked if a pontoon boat can install a wave enhancing device and the answer was yes, but if using the device, it can only go in the designated area for wave boats. Nord asked where the designated area is, and it was shown to her being south of the trestle.
Hollenkamp said she will have the year end report at the February Meeting.
Smith said the bass population is terrible. Ketten said bass has always been low but we put 4,000 bass in the lake at $3 each every year. Asked about habitats, Ketten said they did put out old Christmas trees in the past, but in the past two years we have not had enough picked up from Public Works to do anything with them. Smith said he has extra piping that could be used to build fish habitats, he could donate and Nord said she could have her college students construct habitats for the lake. Smith said Christmas trees only last a couple of years, so the artificial habitats could be a better solution. There will need to be a strategy on where to locate the habitats. Once decided on location, Public Works can install them. It was decided we need at least 30. Smith said he will donate the pipe.
Smith and Nord will coordinate the assembly of the habitats and then contact Ketten or Hollenkamp who will then contact Public Works for installation
Tarasuik asked about when the engineer may come back and talk about the dredging of the lake. Ketten is currently getting quotes to dredge the sedimentation ponds.
Hollenkamp said to dredge 1/2 acre could cost about a million dollars, and by the time we recover that money, it will be filled back in.
Walton suggested talking to the Corps of Engineers at Carlyle Lake.
Tarasuik said there are grants and maybe check with the city of Highland about Silver Lake to see what kinds of assistance they received for their projects. Jo will check with Chad at City of Highland.
Smith said Marathon Pipeline is needing dirt and might be able to use what is dredged out of the sedimentation pond. He will check into this tomorrow.
Trudell said the north end was built to hold silt, so it has done a good job. Hollenkamp asked if the lake was supposed to be a 50 year lake. Ketten stated yes, and it is now closer to 70 years.
Hollenkamp will email year end reports.
Smith said the City dock looks great.
5.3. New Business
Motion by Kyle Smith, seconded by Jim Tarasuik, to adjourn the Lake Committee Meeting at 6:55 PM.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Kyle Smith
SECONDER: Jim Tarasuik
AYES: Jim Tarasuik, Kyle Smith, Gary Trudell, Andrea Nord, and Caleb Walton