
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

South Central Community Unit School District #401 Board of Education Met August 19

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South Central Community Unit School District #401 Board of Education met Aug. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Roll Call:


Mike Vandeveer

Ann Blomberg

Dena Hoffmann

Dan Hiestand

Rob Jones

Jason Markley


Jeremy Chasteen

The South Central Community Unit School District #401 Board of Education held a regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at the South Central unit office located at 501 South Madison Street in Kinmundy, IL. President Mike Vandeveer called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

Also present were Principals Greg Grinestaff, Sara Rose and Jamie VanScyoc,

Superintendent Kerry Herdes and Ginny Keen, Board Clerk.

President Mike Vandeveer recognized guest Bruce Kropp, WJBD Radio.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Jason Markley to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on July 15, 2020 as presented.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Dena Hoffmann Aye                      Ann Blomberg Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Dan Hiestand Aye

Rob Jones Aye                              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Jason Markley Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Rob Jones to approve the payment of bills, including additions, as submitted. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                  Jason Markley Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye                 Dena Hoffmann Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Jason Markley to approve the Treasurer’s Report for July 2020 as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jason Markley Aye                 Rob Jones Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye                 Dan Hiestand Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye              Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dena Hoffmann Aye

Motion carried.

The E-Learning Plan for South Central was presented for review and approval.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Ann Blomberg to approve the ELearning Plan for South Central CUSD #401 as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Rob Jones Aye                              Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Dan Hiestand Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye

Motion carried.

The IASB Press Policy changes dated June 2020 was presented for the second reading.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Jason Markley to approve the second reading of the June 2020 school board policy revisions for South Central CUSD #401 as recommended by the Illinois Association of School Boards.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                          Ann Blomberg Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Rob Jones Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Dena Hoffmann Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

The IASB Press Policy changes dated August 2020 was presented for the first reading.

A motion was made by Jason Markley and seconded by Rob Jones to approve the first reading of the August 2020 school board policy revisions for South Central CUSD #401 as recommended by the Illinois Association of School Boards.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Rob Jones Aye                      Ann Blomberg Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye                 Jason Markley Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Motion carried.

The tentative budget for 2020-2021 fiscal year for South Central CUSD #401 was presented for review. The budget will be available for public viewing for 30 days. A Budget Hearing will be held and the budget approved at the September meeting.

A listing of bank depositories was presented for review and approval.

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Ann Blomberg to approve the listing of bank depositories for South Central CUSD #401 funds for the 2020-2021 school year as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Ann Blomberg Aye                 Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Jason Markley Aye                Dan Hiestand Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Rob Jones Aye

Motion carried.

Principal Sara Rose – South Central Elementary School

Current enrollment is 283. 22 students have chosen remote learning. The new schedule has 1 and ½ periods of ELA and Math. There are scheduled mask breaks. PE is held daily and a Music session is held weekly. August 24th we will meet with the remote learning group. The initial planning days have been very helpful for the Staff for preparing for the remote planning. Mrs. Rose thanked the Board Members for their support through these difficult times.

Principal Greg Grinestaff – South Central Middle School

Staff is very busy working on the remote planning and working on their video teaching procedures. They are working with Google Classroom and Google Meet. Students will have the capability to watch the videos more than once and will be able to ask questions.

Enrollment is 159 and 21 have chosen remote learning. We all continue to review our remote procedures and continue to gain a comfort level with the processes in place.

Google Classroom allows for a ‘chat’ between the students and the staff. We are setting up grade level Q&A (questions and answers) that all students can login to view.

Principal James VanScyoc – South Central High School

Enrollment is 212, which is down 10 from last year. There are 12-14 remote learners. Staff is preparing for in-school procedures and continue to work on the Google training. In school students are dismissing at 1:30 p.m. and the afternoon time is spent working with the remote learning students. Online registration went well.

PTO has purchased ‘Heroes Work Here’ signs and has displayed them at the three school buildings.

The District is setting up WIFI access that will be accessible in the parking lots of all three buildings.

The Board Members thanked the Administrators for their hard work.

Superintendent Kerry Herdes – District Report

Discussed protocols in place due to the pandemic. All students will receive masks and refillable water bottles. Assigned seats are established in each classroom. Total enrollment is 654. We have a great team and everyone works well together. The custodians have been very helpful with moving the unit office along with their normal duties. Mr. Herdes talked about the new unit office building. He discussed updates on Covid-19 recommendations from IDPH (IL Dept of Public Health), which are always changing. The number of positive cases and testing done by the Marion and Fayette County Health departments are reviewed daily. He reviewed the school calendar; remote days are built into the calendar.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dena Hoffmann to go into closed session to discuss appointments, employment, compensation, benefits, discipline, performance, negotiations, contracts or dismissal of personnel at 7:44 p.m. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Dan Hiestand Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye                      Rob Jones Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Jason Markley to return to open session at 8:23 p.m. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                  Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Ann Blomberg Aye

Rob Jones Aye                      Jason Markley Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Ann Blomberg to approve FMLA Leave of Absence for Nicole Doehring, Certified Employee, beginning August 20, 2020.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Rob Jones Aye                              Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Dena Hoffmann Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Rob Jones to approve letter of intent to retire from Kim Cousineau, Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective October 31, 2021. Roll call vote was as follows:

Mike Vandeveer Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye                 Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dena Hoffmann Aye               Jason Markley Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dena Hoffmann to accept letter of resignation from Karrie Sexton, Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective August 19, 2020 as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Dan Hiestand Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Mike Vandeveer Aye

Rob Jones Aye                              Dena Hoffmann Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jason Markley and seconded by Ann Blomberg to accept letter of resignation from Mindy Shoemaker, Certified Employee, for South Central CUSD #401 effective August 11, 2020. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dena Hoffmann Aye                      Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Rob Jones Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Dan Hiestand Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Ann Blomberg to accept letter of retirement from Karen (Sauter) Hanks, Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective August 19, 2020 as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                Mike Vandeveer Aye

Rob Jones Aye                    Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye              Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dena Hoffmann Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jason Markley and seconded by Ann Blomberg to approve Brandon Swartzlander as a Volunteer Asst. Girls Basketball Coach for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Dan Hiestand Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye                      Rob Jones Aye

Jason Markley Aye                        Ann Blomberg Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jason Markley and seconded by Ann Blomberg to appoint Curt Thompson as Yearbook Sponsor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Ann Blomberg Aye              Jason Markley Aye

Rob Jones Aye                    Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye               Dena Hoffmann Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dena Hoffmann to appoint Curt Thompson as a Lunchroom Supervisor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Jason Markley Aye                Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye                Dan Hiestand Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dena Hoffmann to appoint John Stephenson as a Lunchroom Supervisor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                          Ann Blomberg Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Jason Markley Aye

Rob Jones Aye                              Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Rob Jones to appoint Courtney Kman as Student Council Sponsor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Ann Blomberg Aye                 Jason Markley Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye                  Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Motion carried

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dan Hiestand to appoint Courtney Kman as Junior Class Sponsor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Mike Vandeveer Aye                      Dan Hiestand Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Jason Markley Aye

Ann Blomberg Aye                        Rob Jones Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dan Hiestand and seconded by Ann Blomberg to appoint Andrew Steininger as Marching Band Sponsor for South Central CUSD #401 for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dena Hoffmann Aye                       Rob Jones Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye                      Dan Hiestand Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Dena Hoffmann to appoint Andrew Steininger as Freshman Class Sponsor for South Central High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote was as follows:

Ann Blomberg Aye                Jason Markley Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye                 Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Motion carried

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Ann Blomberg to approve job classification change for Ashton Hewkin, Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401, effective the 2020-2021 school year as presented. Roll call vote was as follows: 

Jeremy Chasteen Absent              Rob Jones Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye                       Ann Blomberg Aye

Dan Hiestand Aye                          Mike Vandeveer Aye

Jason Markley Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rob Jones and seconded by Ann Blomberg to hire Aimee S. Moore as a Certified Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective the 2020-2021 school year with other duties as assigned by the Board and contingent upon the completion of all employment requirements. Roll call vote was as follows:

Ann Blomberg Aye              Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Rob Jones Aye                    Dena Hoffmann Aye

Jason Markley Aye              Dan Hiestand Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dena Hoffmann and seconded by Dan Hiestand to hire Danny Todd Meyer as a Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective the 2020-2021 school year, contingent upon the completion of all employment requirements. Roll call vote was as follows:

Dan Hiestand Aye                 Mike Vandeveer Aye

Dena Hoffmann Aye              Rob Jones Aye

Jason Markley Aye                Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Ann Blomberg Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Rob Jones to hire Lisa A. Paganelli as a Support Staff Employee for South Central CUSD #401 effective the 2020-2021 school year, contingent upon the completion of all employment requirements. Roll call vote was as follows:

Rob Jones Aye                      Jeremy Chasteen Absent

Dan Hiestand Aye                  Dena Hoffmann Aye

Mike Vandeveer Aye              Ann Blomberg Aye

Jason Markley Aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ann Blomberg and seconded by Rob Jones to adjourn at 8:33 p.m.

Motion carried by voice vote



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