
South Central Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Centralia City Council Met May 24


City of Centralia City Council Met May 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

This meeting was conducted and attended as a full hybrid meeting. The City Council for Centralia, Illinois met in person with a video conference option. Mayor Kuder called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Kuder, Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, & Councilman Jackson

Absent: Councilman Sauer

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Forrest Langenfeld, Interim City Manager; Bill Agee, City Treasurer; Derek Sherman, Economic Development Director/Assistant City Manager; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Jeff Schwartz, Public Works Director; Chief Lynch, Fire Department and Chief Dodson, Police Department Luke Behme, City Attorney and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Michelle Liggett, Finance Director


Mayor Kuder led the Pledge of Allegiance and Vernell Burris led prayer.




Comments were requested from the public in advance if they were attending remotely. There were no comments submitted.

Bob Pennington addressed the Council by stating that he had a petition that was circulated that had 19 signatures to have cable TV and internet service provided to Possum Lane and Meadow Lane. He stated that they would like the leaders of the City to urge the cable contractor to provide service to this area in the same way they have to other residents in Centralia. He explained where the cable currently ends and he stated that at the time they purchased the leases, they were told that they would not be able to get cable by City Manager Grant Kleinhenz. He stated that he spoke to City Manager Langenfeld concerning this which is the reason for circulating the petition. He stated that the cost was estimated at $12,000-$17,000 to install the cable. He stated that he wasn’t opposed to paying for it but wants to pay the same that other residents have paid and there are non-residents that also have it.

Richard Lively addressed the Council by stating that he has been having yard sales at 602 N Poplar but he has recently stopped sales after receiving notice from the City for zoning issues. He stated that he is unsure why. He stated that he can longer have them and wants to see if he can continue to have them. Mayor Kuder stated that he would turn this over to zoning and someone will be back in touch with him. Denise Lively stated that Richard has been selling at this yard sale using nine units at the storage unit business. She stated that it is five or six days at a time throughout the year. She stated that they have had some complaints, told it is not zoned for this use and several issues that need to be addressed. She explained that this is his income and need to know what can be done. She also explained that he is interested in purchasing a property for his business and they need to know how it is zoned.

Vernell Burris addressed the Council by explaining that he spoke to Jennifer Price before the Council Meeting and she requested that he bring the noise of motorcycles to the Council’s attention. He explained that she mentioned to him that there is a state law regulating the noise. Next, Mr. Burris stated that for five years he has been trying to get recognition for his cousin Roland Burris as a U.S. Senator by placing signs from Broadway to Rexford on Maple. He stated that he is the only U.S. Senator from Centralia. Next, Mr. Burris explained that he has talked several times about cutting property taxes to the previous Mayor and Council but they kept cutting the taxes. He stated that the City Council cannot continue to cut property taxes since that is their revenue source. He stated that now they need to pay for the fire truck. He explained that in the past they have taken out loans and repaid them. He stated that the sales tax has went down so they either need to raise property taxes or take a loan out. He stated that the previous Council and Mayor should not have cut taxes and this Council shouldn’t follow the past patterns by cutting property taxes.

Steve Coleman addressed the Council noting that there is a new store, Burke’s Outlet, and asked if there could be more men’s retail stores in Centralia. He also noted the addition of the new Mexican restaurant on West Broadway, but stated that he would like to see more businesses downtown. He also asked for more Police patrol especially in the Northeast part of Centralia due to hearing about shootings in that area.

Gayla Harting explained that the annual Juneteenth celebration will be on June 19th at Laura Leake Park. It is being organized by the Parks and Recreation Board along with other community members. She stated that there will be a car and motorcycle show during the event. She noted that there is a request for road closure on the agenda for this event.


A Motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve Items 1- 14 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The May 10, 2021 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $790,574.75

3. Receive And Place On File The Monthly Treasurer’s Report As Of April 30, 2021

4. A Resolution Approving the Temporary Closure of Various City Streets for the 4th of July Parade Hosted by the Veterans Affairs Committee

5. Approval Of Request To Allow Use Of Lake Centralia By The Clay City Bass Club For A Tournament On June 26th, June 27th and September 25th

6. A Resolution Approving the Temporary Closure of Various City Streets for the Juneteenth Celebration on June 19, 2021

7. A Resolution Approving the Temporary Closure of Streets for the Halloween Parade

8. A Resolution Approving the Temporary Closure of City Streets for the Children’s Halloween Parade

9. Approval Of Request For The Placement Of Halloween Pumpkin Signs Along The Parade Route And Other City Streets

10. An Ordinance Approving The Closure And Use Of Streets And Sidewalks And Waiving The Application Of Chapter 11, Section 11-160 Of The Centralia Municipal Code For A Rail Coffee Room Event On October 16, 2021

11. Approval Of Request To Place Decorations Upon City Owned Property In The Downtown Area For A Centralia Downtown Co-Op Event

12. Approval Of Request For The Use Of The City-Owned Parking Lot E During A Public Event In The Downtown Area On October 1, 2021

13. Approval Of Request To Place Decorations Upon City Owned Property In The Downtown Area For A Centralia Downtown Co-Op Christmas Event

14. A Resolution Approving The Recommendation Of The Community Development Department And The Centralia Code Enforcement Department Directing The Demolition Or Repair Of Certain Dangerous And Dilapidated Buildings

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Manager Langenfeld stated that there was an accident near this intersection when a resident was hit by a vehicle while mowing in their yard and the placement of the yield sign will slow the traffic in the area. A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve An Ordinance Establishing Yield Signs On West 6th At The Intersection Of Bond Street.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None


City Manager Langenfeld stated that the Image Committee is a Chamber committee that has developed a plan for improvements to the downtown area. He stated that they are just looking for a resolution of support and each of the items will be brought before each appropriate group for building or zoning code reviews. He stated that these projects will be completed with private funding, and it is a great thing for the community. Mayor Kuder clarified that this is essentially using the City’s trash cans and benches with the Chamber of Commerce using the funding they have received to powder coat them. City Manager Langenfeld stated that it would take a few hours of City employees time to unbolt and remove the benches to be power coated. Councilman Castellari stated that he met with Public Works Director Jeff Schwartz and there were no concerns about providing the labor. A motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution Of Support Of Revitalization Projects In Conjunction With The Centralia Chamber Of Commerce Image Committee.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None

City Manager Langenfeld stated that this resolution will be for the approval of the use of MFT funds for the improvement of Blackberry Run including construction and engineering costs. He stated that this street is long overdue for these improvements. He noted that the next resolution on the agenda is for the engineering of the same project. A motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution Approving Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code For Blackberry Run.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None

A motion was made by Councilman Castellari and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve A Resolution Approving An Agreement with Gonzalez Companies, LLC. To Perform Design Engineering And Construction Engineering Services For Roadway Improvements On Blackberry Run.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None






City Clerk Enke reported that the lake lease payment amounts have been sent to lake lease holders for the year with the first installment due August 1st. She reported that those leases that increase by consumer price index will increase by 5.1% noting that last year there was a negative rate with no increase due to the pandemic.

Interim City Manager Langenfeld stated that he received notification through Robert Moulder, the ESDA Director, that the state has classified the city as non-grant mode. He explained that the state is doing this to a lot of small cities, which are handed out 3 years at a time. He stated that they will be delivering the appeal by the end of the week to the district office. He explained that EDSA provides a role that most emergency management agencies do not such as traffic control for police situations, accidents, fires, and water main breaks. He explained a recent situation where they aided with a truck spilling rock onto the roadway. He stated that they also serve Central City, Irvington, and Wamac so there will be letters from these sources and other elected officials to provide a detailed appeal. He stated that it is only $25,000 a year but they are invaluable to our community and it can’t just be let go without trying to get the grant money. Mayor Kuder stated that there is approximately 13-15 volunteer members which is many more that Marion County has. He stated that if Salem and Centralia both lose funding, they are not equipped to handle the whole county. He stated that it is one thing to ask a volunteer in their own community to do it, but it is a lot to ask of a volunteer to travel to another community further away in the county. He stated that he is doing everything he can to get this taken care of and if not they will need to look in the budget to replace it. He also stated that the overpass is officially open now on 161. He also reported that soft openings have been happening at Castle Ridge, with the restaurant opening to the public. He stated that they expect to be fully open in the next two weeks. Councilman Castellari asked about providing the letters of support from the Council and City Manager Langenfeld explained that there will be a letter of support from the Mayor and Council along with some city departments and other communities. Mayor Kuder asked if the Chief could involve the County Sherriff’s office since Centralia’s ESDA is utilized in those areas. Chief Dodson stated that he reached out to Marion County ESDA and Clinton County ESDA and both county coordinators have stated that they will be contributing a letter because they can’t provide the service that Centralia ESDA is. He stated that since Centralia is in multiple counties, half would be in Clinton and half would be in Marion. He stated that Clinton County at this time only handles disaster management preparedness. He stated that they do not provide personnel for going on scene and stated that they would support the appeal. Mayor Kuder asked if the Chief would check into getting each of the Sherriff’s support as well. He also asked if the Chief could check into getting a letter of support from the Illinois State Police.

Councilman Castellari stated that he wanted to thank the officers that he was able to ride along with in the Police Department recently. He stated that the Fire Department is next to ride along with to continue what they had said they would do by meeting with each department head. He stated that the ride along was very eye opening and recognized the officers that he rode with. He noted that they are very professional, alert and observant. He applauded Steve Coleman for recognizing the possible need for more officers when he spoke during public participation. He further discussed his ride along with Officer Ripperda and his ability to handle the situations and work with other responding officers during a police response. Councilman Castellari expressed his appreciation for the officers and what they do for the entire community.

Councilman Smith also discussed how pleased he was with the reopening of the overpass. He also recognized Castle Ridge’s development and the asset that they are already to the community. He thanked Gayla and those involved in the planning of the Juneteenth celebration. He also thanked the public in attendance at the meeting since this was the first meeting in person.

Councilman Jackson discussed his meetings with Chief Dodson and Chief Lynch and thanked them for taking the time to meet with him and explain what their departments do. He also stated that he had the opportunity to ride along with police officers and stated that the city is fortunate to have such a dedicated police department and the citizens should be proud as well. He stated that he knows that there is opportunity to grow and improve but he will work as closely as he can to get things done.

Mayor Kuder stated that himself and Councilman Castellari along with a group of approximately 15 volunteers including a foreign exchange student placed flags in the community. He thanked Mimi Hawkins for coordinating the placement of the flags and the volunteers. He also congratulated the Centralia High school class of 2021 and noted the nice ceremony that was held for them. He also recognized the progress that Castle Ridge is making. He stated that himself and City Manager Langenfeld were able to tour the facility recently. He stated that the facility is very nice, and it is going to draw people into the community. Mayor Kuder also recognized Latavia Maines for the rankings she is receiving and the records that she is breaking while competing in shot put.


A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jackson To Adjourn The Meeting To Closed Session Under 5ILCS 120/2(C)(1) The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, Or Dismissal Of Specific Employees, Specific Individuals Who Serve As Independent Contractors In A Park, Recreational, Or Educational Setting, Or Specific Volunteers Of The Public Body Or Legal Counsel For The Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony On A Complaint Lodged Against An Employee, A Specific Individual Who Serves As An Independent Contractor In A Park, Recreational, Or Educational Setting, Or A Volunteer Of The Public Body Or Against Legal Counsel For The Public Body To Determine Its Validity, Under 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(2) Collective Negotiating Matters Between The Public Body And Its Employees Or Their Representatives, Or Deliberations Concerning Salary Schedules For One Or More Classes Of Employees, and Under 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(11) Litigation, When An Action Against, Affecting Or On Behalf Of The Particular Public Body Has Been Filed And Is Pending Before A Court Or Administrative Tribunal, Or When The Public Body Finds That An Action Is Probable Or Imminent.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m.



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