
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Kinmundy City Council met Nov. 10

City of Kinmundy City Council met Nov. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to order-The regular meeting of the Kinmundy City Council was called to order by Mayor Angela Diss at 6:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance-The council was led by Mayor Diss in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call-Members present were Amy Bolen, Curt Jones, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, and Steve Wilkins. Gary Cooper arrived at 6:20.

Approval of Bills and Minutes-Motion was made by Corey Thompson and seconded by Donna Smith to approve the bills and minutes from October. Motion carried.


Financial Report-Cathy Wilkins gave the financial report.

Public Recognition-None

Police Report-Officer Kevin Barry reported that his squad car equipment is inspected and good for one year, the Kinmundy Bank has donated a fax/copier/printer to the police office and his threat assessment meetings with administration of South Central School District have been very successful. He reported that his extra watch of Washington Street, 4th Street, and Monroe Street have slowed the traffic down to speed limit. His night of Halloween candy handouts was successful, and he's had no complaints about the old Kinmundy Lake.

Water Report-Jake Brimberry-He is not sure of Dollar General's plans for the sewer system, but it is an ongoing conversation. Ceja Oil has leased the building on the Gesell property Adams St. and they are needing water and sewer.

Street Report-Travis Potter reports that the replacement work on the alley off -

Monroe St. is almost finished.

Library Report-Library sign-The South Central Elementary School has donated their old sign to the library and their desire is to permanently install it in the park on Route 37. The city has also gotten a new sign to replace the old one located in the park. Many on the council are uncertain of where the best placement with two signs would be so it was agreed to table this issue until there is time to inspect the area to make a more informed decision.


Finance-Gary Cooper/Donna Smith-None

Buildings/Equipment-Curt Jones/Steve Wilkins-None

Grounds-Corey Thompson/Amy Bolen-None


Dollar General-The council continued discussion on running water/sewer to Dollar General. According to the city attorneYI we will be able to abandon Goodwin Street and give half to Robert McElroy and half to Chris See. In returnl Chris will give the city an easement along his half to reach the back of the property. The attorney estimates publication fees to range from $500-$1000. The closing with Chris See is on December 2/ 2022. We have been told that our Dollar General will be 101000 square feetl and identical to the one in Irvingtonl Illinois. Motion was made by Steve Wilkins and seconded by Corey Thompson to abandon N. Goodwin and divide between Chris Seel Robert McElroYI and Robnett Farms. Motion carried.

Steve Wilkins mentioned the protocol that was in place until September of 2021 concerning charges for water hookups and deposits. The city had been charging a $300.00 fee refundable upon selling the home. The council heard of the poll of surrounding towns and their deposit policy. It was passed on August 121 20211 at the city council meeting that owners of homes will now pay a $100.00 non refundable connection fee. Renters/Contract for Deed will pay a $100.00 non refundable connection fee and a $200.00 deposit. The deposit will be refunded when the renter moves if the bill has been paid in full. This issue will be revisited in the December meeting and Teresa will have figures for the council to consider. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 661 to amend section 2 of Ordinance 487 changing the water deposit fees and structure on September 91 2021.

Motion was made by Corey Thompson and seconded by Donna Smith to recess into Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 ©: Personnel-Section 2 ©(l); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate-Section 2 © (S);©(6);; and Review of Executive Session Minutes-Section 2 © (21)" Motion carried.

Motion was made by Amy Bolen and seconded by Corey Thompson to return to regular session. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Corey Thompson and seconded by Amy Bolen to adjourn. Motion carried. 7:00 pm
