
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met June 11

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Matt Lentz, President | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Matt Lentz, President | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met June 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1) A regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Matt Lentz, at the Hillsboro Unit Office at 7:00 p.m. The following board members were present: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby.

Motion by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to add Agenda Item 6.5 Establish Regular Board Meeting Schedule. Voice vote. Motion carried.

2) Agenda Item 2.0. Good News Reports

PreK Director Marci Gutierrez shared that Coffeen Early Childhood Center is receiving a grant in the amount of $315,000 for playground enhancements including new fencing.

3) Agenda Item 3.0 Consent Agenda

3.1 Approval of Regular Session Minutes from May 14, 2024

President Lentz asked for additions or corrections to the May 14, 2024 Regular

Meeting Minutes. There were none.

3.2 Approval of Executive Session Minutes from May 14, 2024

President Lentz asked for additions or corrections to the May 14, 2024, Executive Session Meeting Minutes. There were none.

3.3 Review and Approval of Payables

President Lentz asked for questions or comments. There were none.

3.4 Financial Report

President Lentz asked for questions or comments. Superintendent Powell asked for approval on pay request #7 to O'Shea Builders in the amount of $1,251,905.50.

Consent Agenda Vote.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the consent agenda as presented. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7- 0.

4) Agenda Item 4.0 Recognition of Audience

No cards submitted.

5) Agenda Item 5.0 New Business

5.1 FY24 Amended Budget

Superintendent Powell stated there is one new addition, $60,000 has been added into the Tort fund.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the FY24 Amended Budget as presented. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

5.2 Consideration of Change Order(s) on High School Construction Project

Item tabled to regular scheduled meeting in July.

5.3 Second Reading of Policy Revision Recommendations

There were no questions or comments.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the Second Reading of Policy Revisions from PRESS Issue 114. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

5.4 Discussion of Search for New Superintendent for 2025-2026

Superintendent Powell shared with the board a draft information packet that includes demographic information as well as how to apply. Applications will be due in September, interviews to begin in October and hiring in November. If the board has no additional recommendations it will be posted by the end of the week.

6) Agenda Item 6.0 New Business

6.1 Update on High School Building Project and Summer Maintenance and Construction Projects

Superintendent Powell reported that all has been going well. The Building and Grounds Committee met earlier today. There are a few change orders on the high school project the committee is working on.

6.2 Consideration and Award of Commercial Insurance Renewal

Superintendent Powell stated there is a reduction in premium and recommending approval. No question or comments.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the Commercial Insurance Renewal. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7- 0.

6.3 Consideration of Student Handbook Changes

Superintendent Powell reported there are very few changes to the student handbooks. Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the student handbook changes for the 2024/2025 school year. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

6.4 Consideration of Approval of Cheer Team Overnight Trip

Principal Heyen reported the high school cheer team is requesting approval for an overnight trip to SIUE. The coach and assistant coach will be supervising.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the Second Reading of Policy Revisions from PRESS Issue 114. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

6.5 Establish Regular Board Meeting Schedule

Superintendent Powell presented the board with suggested schedule of every second Tuesday with the exception of the September meeting. September will be the third Tuesday of the month to accommodate the statutory requirement for a 30-day public inspection period of the budget.

7) Agenda Item 7.0 Communication

There was none.

8) Agenda Item 8.0 Executive Session

Motion made by Nathan Kirby and seconded by John Lentz to move into Executive Session at 7:12 p.m. for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. Voice vote. Motion carried.

Motion by Nathan Kirby and seconded by John Lentz to move out of Executive session at 7:19 p.m. Voice Vote. Motion carried.

9) Agenda Item 9.0 Action Items Resulting from Executive Session

9.1 Acceptance of High School Guidance Counselor Resignation

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the resignation of High School Guidance Counselor Jennifer Cearlock effective immediately. Voice vote. Motion carried 7-0.

9.2 Re-employment of Spring Coaches and Student Group Sponsors

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve the re- employment of all Spring Coach and Student Group Sponsors with the exception of High School Softball. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

9.3 Employment of Teachers Aides

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Coffeen Early Childhood Teachers' Aides Angela Obidiegwu, Ashley Jewell and Jennifer Petcher. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Beckemeyer Teachers' Aides Kaitlin Robinson, Kelly Harrell and Michelle Wilson. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Junior High Teacher's Aide Kelsey Bulla. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve High School Teacher's Aide Cathy Johnsey. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, and Nathan Kirby. Mike Cerutti voted no. Motion carried 6-1.

9.4 Employment of Junior High Science Teacher

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Keli Plenscke as Junior High Science Teacher. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

9.5 Employment of High School Guidance Registrar

Motion made by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to approve Kelly Kenny as the High School Guidance Registrar. On roll call the following voted yes: Matt Lentz, Brian Patton, John Lentz, Blake Furness, Kassie Greenwood, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 7-0.

10) Agenda Item 10.0 Adjournment.

Motion by Nathan Kirby, seconded by John Lentz to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried.
