
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bond County Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met June 26

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Dr. Wes Olson, Superintendent | Bond County Community Unit School District #2

Dr. Wes Olson, Superintendent | Bond County Community Unit School District #2

Bond County Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Bond County Community Unit School District No. 2 Board of Education Budget Amendment Hearing, Transfer of Funds Hearing, and Regular Meeting Minutes

The Board of Education of Bond County Community Unit No. 2 held a Budget Amendment Hearing, Transfer of Funds Hearing, and its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, in the Greenville Elementary School Cafeteria, 800 N. Dewey St., Greenville, IL.

Board President Randi Workman called the Budget Amendment Hearing to order at 6:45 p.m.

Those present were board members Carr, Reavis, Wall, and Workman. Others present were Superintendent Wes Olson; Executive Director of Business Operations Robert Koontz; Comptroller/ Treasurer Angie Brentlinger; WGEL Jeff Leidel; The Advocate Rebecca Sponsler; and Board Secretary Emily Laesch. Members of the public who signed in were Susan Corbus, Erin Haake, and Lauren Vohlken.

Board Members Frey, Gerl, and Simmonds were absent.


Board President Workman read the acknowledgement of legal posting and explanation of the hearing.

Dr. Olson shared information regarding the FY24 Amended Budget by discussing the summary that the Board had before them. The revenues listed at the top of the page had not been changed - they were the same as the approved budget from September, 2023. Due to any outstanding bills that may come in yet, the revenues were not downward amended in order to keep from getting a finding in the audit. He added that the expenditures have been amended to reflect current spending.

The Superintendent said that the operating fund accounts are the ones used for budgeting purposes. Dr. Olson directed board members to the middle column on the summary page that showed the total of operating funds. The original budget showed a deficit of $415,496 while the amended budget shows a surplus of $595,462, so the amended budget is balanced. He added that there may be some last-minute bills that come in and these are not actual numbers - they are unaudited numbers that are used for the amended budget to send to the state.

Board Member Wall asked that since the revenues were not amended, are they expected to be better or worse? He also asked if the adjustments to the expenses were based on actual expenses.

Comptroller Angie Brentlinger said that any revenues changes would be better than what was budgeted. There are some payments from the state that have been approved, but the district has not received them yet. They may arrive prior to June 30th. She also answered that yes, the adjustments in the expenses were actual expenditures as well as some upcoming payments that we know may be included.

There were no comments from the Board of Education regarding the proposed Amended Budget. There was no written testimony concerning the proposed Amended Budget. There was no oral testimony or public comment concerning the proposed Amended Budget.


Motion by Reavis, second by Carr, that the hearing be adjourned at 6:57 p.m. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


The Transfer of Funds Hearing was called to order by President Randi Workman at 6:57 p.m. Those present were board members Carr, Reavis, Wall, and Workman. Others present included Superintendent Wes Olson; Executive Director of Business

Operations Robert Koontz; Comptroller/ Treasurer Angie Brentlinger; WGEL Jeff Leidel; The Advocate Rebecca Sponsler; and Board Secretary Emily Laesch. Members of the public who were present are listed above.

Board President Workman read the explanation of the hearing. Dr. Olson said that it had been found there was remaining Lease Levy money in the Operations & Maintenance Fund from 20 years ago from modular buildings that was never used. Board Member Wall asked how these funds were found. Mrs. Brentlinger said that the auditor, Robin Yockey, had found it while working through records and advised the Board to make this transfer. She added that it cleans up the accounts and makes the money usable in the Education Fund where it is needed.


Motion by Carr, second by Reavis, that the hearing be adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Board President Randi Workman called the regular meeting of the Board of Education

to order at 7:01 p.m. Those present were board members Carr, Reavis, Wall, and Workman. Others present included Superintendent Wes Olson; Executive Director of Business Operations Robert Koontz; Comptroller/ Treasurer Angie Brentlinger; WGEL Jeff Leidel; The Advocate Rebecca Sponsler; and Board Secretary Emily Laesch. Members of the public who were present included Susan Corbus, Erin Haake, Lauren Vohlken.


Mr. Rickey Oeth from the Air and Space Forces Association (AFA) was present to award Greenville Jr. High School Teacher Jackie Blumer the Teacher of the Year award. Mr. Oeth is a retired educator himself and appreciates all that teachers do. He was representing the Scott Memorial Chapter of the AFA. He said that the AFA takes care of not only air men, but also teachers because they help to prepare future air men. There are lots of great teachers out there and hardly any of them get the recognition they deserve.

Mr. Oeth presented Mrs. Blumer with a certificate for the AFA Chapter Teacher of the Year award and said that she had already received a $250 check for that award. However, Mrs. Blumer received not only the chapter award, but Mr. Oeth announced that she had also been awarded the AFA State Teacher of the Year as well. Mrs. Blumer received an AFA notebook, a check for $500, and a State Teacher of the Year jacket. He added that Mrs. Blumer's application has been submitted for AFA National Teacher of the Year and he thinks she has a wonderful shot at receiving that award as well.


There was no public comment.


Dr. Olson highlighted a few items since there were not committee meetings in the month of June. Items regarding the Policy and Curriculum Committee included a couple of policies that had been held previously were on the consent agenda for approval. Also, student handbook changes were included for approval under consent agenda.

The Superintendent gave an update on the paving projects throughout the district. The high school paving is well underway and close to completion in some areas. They began working on the sidewalk that will go around the gym at the high school. Many of the projects at Greenville Elementary School are progressing nicely: the Board will have the opportunity to approve the fire alarm upgrade later in the meeting and they have been working on the entry and security camera upgrades.

Executive Director of Operations Robert Koontz added that most of the wiring has been completed at the elementary, and some of the cameras were hung today. He said that Mr. Wilhite feels like he is about 1 1⁄2 to 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Because of the severe subbase issues at the high school front Ag Lot, the asphalt on that lot will be allowed to cure as long as possible, until the beginning of August.


Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval:

Motion by Reavis, second by Carr, to approve the consent agenda items as follows:

A. Open Minutes of the May 15, 2024, Regular Board Meeting

B. June Expense Reimbursements

C. Second Reading of Policy Updates - Policies 4:190, 7:20, and 7:180

D. 2024-2025 School Calendar Adjustment

E. Consolidated District Plan for Grants

F. Student Handbook Changes

G. FY25 Financial Resolutions

Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, that the bills for the month of June, 2024, in the amount of $1,854,524.79 be approved as listed. Discussion: Mrs. Brentlinger stated that there was a large purchase for servers and computer equipment, plus a large payment to GRP for the high school roof, junior high roof, and some of the paving projects included in the bills. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wall, second by Reavis, that the financial report for the month of May, 2024 be approved as presented. Discussion: Board Member Wall said that he noticed the penny sales tax amounts are lower this month than previous months and asked why that was. Mr. Koontz said that the money coming in is three months behind purchases, so deposits in April and May would be from the months of January and February when spending is typically down. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to adopt the FY24 Amended Budget as presented to the Board. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to approve a resolution to approve an interfund transfer from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Education Fund in the amount of $48,265.00, effective immediately. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to approve a resolution authorizing the school treasurer and fiscal agents to expend District funds commencing July 1, 2024 and until such time as the Board approves the FY25 budget. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to approve the PSIC Commercial and Worker's Compensation Insurance renewals for the 2024-2025 school year as presented, effective July 1, 2024. Discussion: Dr. Olson said that there is an increase in rates of 15.78% this year. This is partially due to increases in school cyber security - there has really been an uptick in data breaches at schools. Board Member Wall asked what are the benefits of staying in an insurance co-op. Dr. Olson replied that when there ARE good years, they pay dividends back to the districts. It just happened that this was not a good year. He added that this is the largest increase we have seen and if it continues to increase this much yearly, the Board may need to look at other commercial and worker's comp insurance options. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Carr, to approve the change order for the subbase repair and asphalt patch to the high school and junior high paving projects, at the cost of $98,740.00, as presented. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to accept the proposal from Tech Electronics for the replacement and upgrade of the Greenville Elementary School Fire Alarm System at a cost of $46,443.00 and approve a 50% down payment for work to begin. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Carr, to increase student fees and lunch prices as presented. Discussion: Dr. Olson said that we have been quite reluctant to increase fees over the past few years and it is finally time to do it. Lunch fees have been behind recommended rates for several years. Since our district went 1:1 in technology with the Chromebooks, insurance has been optional for those devices. Many people don't buy it and many repairs of Chromebooks are not paid by parents. He added that there are a lot of schools that have technology fees who are using computers on a daily basis. Board Member Wall said that he understands that costs are increasing everywhere and that the students will be parking on a nice asphalt lot instead of on rocks, but he just hates to raise costs, especially for families with multiple children. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, no; Workman, yes. Motion carried 3-1.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, that the board of education enter into executive meeting at 7:38 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor, or a volunteer of the District or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity; and Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, that the board of education return to open session at 8:55 p.m. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to approve the executive session minutes from the May 15, 2024 regular school board meeting. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to accept the retirement of Eudona Harvey, Special Education Teacher at Greenville Elementary School, effective at the conclusion of the 2028-2029 school year, and grant her an additional 100 days of sick leave to complete her 35 years of service. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to accept the retirement of David Weller, Assistant Principal at BCCU #2 High School, effective at the end of his contracted days in June, 2027. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to accept the resignation of Kayleen Kampwerth, PreK Teacher, effective immediately. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Reavis, to accept the resignation of Kendra Sigafoos, 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher at Greenville Jr. High School, effective immediately. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to accept the resignation of Gee Gee Spies, Food Service Employee at Greenville Elementary School, effective May 16, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to accept the resignation of Lori Alstat, Greenville Jr. High School 7th Grade Girls' Basketball Coach, effective May 16, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to accept the resignation of Gina Hacker-Allen as Freshman Girls' Basketball Coach at BCCU #2 High School, effective May 17, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Reavis, to accept the resignation of Parker Manhart as Greenville Jr. High School Assistant Track Coach, effective May 18, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to accept the resignation of Joshua Cox as JV Girls' Basketball Coach at BCCU #2 High School, Assistant Girls' Basketball Coach at Pocahontas School, and Assistant Track Coach at Greenville Jr. High School, effective May 20, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wall, second by Reavis, to accept the voluntary resignation of Tiffany Lile as Transportation Director, effective May 24, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Reavis, second by Carr, to accept the resignation of Kim Quesada, Administrative Assistant at Pocahontas School, effective July 30, 2024. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to hire Rachel McDanel as a Speech Language Pathologist for the 2024-2025 school year, with placement on the salary schedule at M+0, year 3. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to hire Halle Vunetich as a PreK Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, with placement on the salary schedule at B+0, year 1. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to transfer Braden Maltbie from the Greenville Elementary School Life Skills Classroom and approve him as a long-term substitute for the BCCU #2 High School Life Skills Class for the 2024-2025 school year. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to hire Brandy McCormick as an Administrative Assistant at Pocahontas School for the 2024-2025 school year, at the 1-year rate as listed in the GESPA Contract. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to hire Stephanie Kiffmeyer as a Paraprofessional at Greenville Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year, at the 1-year rate as listed in the GESPA contract. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Reavis, to hire Nicole Schauwecker as a PreK Paraprofessional for the 2024-2025 school year, at the 1-year rate as listed in the GESPA Contract. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to hire William Paradee as a School Bus Driver for the 2024-2025 school year, at the 1-year rate as listed in the GESPA Contract. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, to hire Brittany LiVigni as the 7th Grade Girls' Basketball Coach at Greenville Jr. High School for the 2024-2025 school year. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Reavis, to hire Joshua Cox as the Boys' Assistant Basketball Coach at Greenville Jr. High School for the 2024-2025 school year. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Carr, second by Wall, to transfer Tracie Wise from a PreK Paraprofessional at Pocahontas School to a Paraprofessional at Greenville Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wall, second by Carr, to approve Nichole Kendall as a Volunteer Coach for Volleyball at BCCU #2 High School for the 2024 season. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Reavis, second by Wall, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Roll call vote: Carr, yes; Reavis, yes; Wall, yes; Workman, yes. Motion carried 4-0.



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