
South Central Reporter

Sunday, March 2, 2025

City of Salem City Council met Nov. 18

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City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook

City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook

City of Salem City Council met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

I. Call to Order

The regular November 18, 2024 meeting of the Salem City Council was convened in the Council Chambers of Salem City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nicolas Farley at 6:03 PM.

Council members present: Council members absent:

Councilman Royce Bringwald None.

Councilwoman Tracy Crouch

Councilman Jim Koehler

Councilman Craig Morton

Mayor Nicolas Farley

Others present:

City Manager Annette Sola

Chief of Police Susan Miller

City Clerk Tabitha Meador

Finance Director Keli Barrow

City Attorney Mike Jones

Public Works Director Travis Sanders

Recreation Director Jed Casburn

Economic Development Director Leah Dellicarpini

Tom Kane, Kane Insurance, a Relation Company

Paul and Lynn Riehm, Sterling Avenue

Bruce Kropp, WJBD-WSIQ Radio

Dennis Rosenberger, Salem Times-Commoner

Members of the Public

II. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Councilman Koehler offered the opening prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Presentation of Petitions/Public Comments – None.

IV. Mayor’s Report and Presentations

• indicated important dates coming up include November 29, the lighting of the Christmas decoration on the Courthouse lawn; December 7, the Downtown Christmas celebration; and this weekend, the SCHS Drama production of One Stoplight Town at the Salem Community Theatre;

• indicated he attended a meeting at Salem Township Hospital in regards to BCMW-Project Bread discontinuing services. Mayor Farley indicated he is amazed at the community efforts to keep seniors fed. He expressed appreciation to City employees for taking the lead;

• indicated City employees attended the Kaskaskia College Foundation’s annual Gala fundraiser where over $70,000 was raised for KC Now scholarships.

1. Mayor Farley requested an amendment to agenda to include action on the emergency roof repairs at the Water Plant, Gas Plant, and EOC. Motion made by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Koehler to amend the agenda to include action on emergency roof repairs at the Water Plant, Gas Plant, and EOC. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

V. City Council Action

1. Consent Agenda

Mayor Farley indicated:

a. Approval of minutes of the November 4, 2024 Council Meeting as presented.

b. Approval to surplus 4 police cruisers. The vehicles will be sold through Enterprise and the money will offset the lease agreement in place for the 4 new cruisers.

c. Request approval of amendment of Chapter 2, Article III Division 4 Personnel Policy – Sec. 2-132, add item (k) Dress Code to policy. The current policy does not presently include a dress code. Item (K) will include language to identify what will be considered permissible to office staff within City Hall.

d. Request amendment of Article II Sec 2-32 of City Code of Ordinance Order of Business. Delete line 8 Attorney’s Report from the agenda. Per advice of present Legal Counsel, it was recommended that the attorney’s report be deleted from the standard agenda as outlined in the City Code of Ordinance.

e. Request amendment to Chapter 23; Article III; Division 8; Section 23-260. The amendment would remove the ability for a special use permit to allow the lease of commercial space to be used as a residence on the ground floor of a commercial business.

f. Request amendment to Chapter 6; Article II; Section 6-27 of the Code of Ordinance. Under items 3, 4 & 5 of the Code several items have been enforced but the language of the Code was not corrected to represent current policy. This change will clarify language of the Code.

g. Approval of Resolution 2024-13 Appointing a new Authorized Agent to manage the City’s IMRF Retirement Fund. New Payroll Clerk Terri Gowler will begin testing to become eligible to manage the IMRF Retirement Fund upon the retirement of our current Payroll Clerk, Kim Eblin, in the spring. IMRF requires the approval before allowing Terri into the training program.

Councilwoman Crouch expressed concern with removing the ability for a special use permit to allow the lease of commercial space to be used as a residence on the ground floor of a commercial business. Economic Development Director Dellicarpini indicated this change protects the retail space of the B-2 Central Business District. She indicated a variance could still be applied for, on a case-by-case basis, should this come up in the future.

Motion made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Koehler to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

2. Request approval of emergency roof repairs at the Water Plant, Gas Plant, and EOC

City Manager Sola indicated two companies provided bids for the emergency roof repairs at the Water Plant, Gas Plant, and EOC. She indicated the bid presented from Irwin & Son Enterprises, LLC is the low bid: repairs at the Water Plant - $38,500; the Gas Plant - $13,000; and the EOC - $17,500 for a total of $69,000. City Manager Sola indicated this is a non budgeted item, and will be covered by reserves.

Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve the emergency roof repairs at the Water Plant, Gas Plant, and EOC by Irwin & Son Enterprises, LLC for a total of $69,000. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: Councilman Morton. Motion carried.

3. Request approval of Property Annexation

Mayor Farley indicated petitions of annexation were received from the property owners of 525 East Lake Street, owned by Micah Mulvany; 1700 East Main Street, owned by Dale and Deborah Boatman; and tracts located on Airport Road and North Hotze Road, owned by DNW Farms, LLC. Economic Development Director Dellicarpini has confirmed these properties are contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Salem. These properties will also be included in the development of TIF-4.

Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilwoman Crouch to approve the Ordinance 2024-55, the annexation of 525 East Lake Street; Ordinance 2024-56, the annexation of 1700 East Main Street; and Ordinance 2024-57, the annexation of the tracts on Airport Road and North Hotze Road. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

4. Request approval of Resolution 2024-11 in support of CDBG Block Grant Mayor Farley indicated a Public Hearing was held previously in regards to the City’s intent to apply for a Community Development Block Grant to replace a section of sewer line in Salem. Resolution 2024-11 will be attached to the application showing the support of the project and acknowledging the funding responsibilities of the City within the project.

Motion made by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve Resolution 2024-11, support for the Community Development Block Grant application Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

5. Request approval of Resolution 2024-12 to abate taxes for General Obligation Series 2021 Bond

Mayor Farley indicated this Resolution will abate the taxes for the general obligation bond series 2021. This abatement will reduce the City’s tax levy by the amount to be collected for the General Obligation Bonds from 2021 as identified at the bottom of the tax levy explanation.

Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve Resolution 2024-12, Abating Taxes for the General Obligation Bonds Series 2021. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

6. Request approval of purchase for Public Works

Mayor Farley indicated this proposal was submitted by Fabick Tractor in Salem for the purchase of a 2025 CAT Skid Steer for the Water/Sewer Department in Public Works; the bid was provided by Source Well which is the State bid process and comes in under budget. Motion made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilman Koehler to approve the purchase of a new 2025 CAT Skid Steer from Fabick Tractor in the amount of $82,449.66. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

7. Review of proposal for renewal of the City’s Property and Casualty and auto coverage along with workman’s compensation benefits from ICRMT with a presentation from Relation Insurance with possible approval

Mayor Farley indicated Kane Insurance, a Relation Company, has provided a proposal for a renewal of the City’s insurance coverage through Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust. The coverage includes, but is not limited to, general liability, Law Enforcement Liability, Auto Liability, and physical damage, public official’s liability, excess liability, cyber liability, property coverage, sales tax interruption, crime, and worker’s compensation. Mr. Tom Kane, representing Kane Insurance, a Relation Company, indicated he had met with City Manager Sola to go over the coverages; the new premium represents an increase of 6%, which is down from the 10% increase last year. Mayor Farley indicated ICRMT provides other services that are beneficial to all departments. City Manager Sola indicated she has requested a quote to raise the auto physical damage deductible from $1000 to $2500 in order to reduce the premium. If that change is made, she will report back.

Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilwoman Crouch to approve the renewal package for insurance through Kane Insurance, a Relation Company, and ICRMT. Roll call vote: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

8. Request approval of Ordinance 2024-## TIF Redevelopment Agreement

Mayor Farley indicated this Ordinance would approve and authorize the execution of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Salem and RIEHM Renovations, LLC and Paul Riehm and Lynn Riehm for Salem TIF District 3. Lynn Riehm, of Sterling Avenue, explained she and her husband currently have a store in Westgate Shopping Center, and have purchased two buildings on Main Street to move to and expand their business. Mayor Farley indicated this is in accordance to the City’s Strategic Plan, and expressed his appreciation to the Riehm’s for investing in Salem.

Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve Ordinance 2024-58, approving and authorizing a TIF-3 Agreement between Riehm Renovations and the City of Salem. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

9. Accounts Payable – October 21, 2024 – November 15, 2024

Finance Director Barrow indicated that on page 23 on the Accounts Payable Invoice Register, the cost of $345,746.27 to Bradford Supply Company for a 30’ Culvert and Connecting Band has been corrected to $2,604.39.

Motion made by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve the Accounts Payable for October 21 – November 15, 2024 as corrected. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

VI. City Manager and Department Head Reports

Finance Director Barrow:

• indicated she has been working on revenues;

• indicated FY2026 budget worksheets should be distributed to Department Heads in December.

Economic Development Director Dellicarpini:

• indicated interviews are scheduled for the Building and Zoning Coordinator.

Public Works Director Sanders:

• indicated he has been working with engineers regarding the raw water pump and intake.

Recreation Director Casburn:

• indicated 65 blankets were collected and distributed at the Community Thanksgiving on Saturday where 1200 dinners were prepared and served by Saved With Amazing Grace and the Apostolic Church;

• indicated the Christmas toy drive has started.

Police Chief Miller:

• indicated candidates for Deputy Chief have been interviewed;

• indicated the Police Commission is working through the process to hire two patrol officers;

• indicated telecommunicator testing was held last week.

City Clerk Meador: No report.

City Manager Sola:

• indicated Terri Gowler has been hired to replace Kim Eblin, who retires in the Spring; her desk will be moved to Finance Director Barrow’s office;

• indicated staff is working to fill the other open positions;

• indicated Cindy Eller’s last day is December 4;

• indicated staff has been incredible with serving food to the seniors.

VII. City Attorney Report:

• wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

VIII. City Council Member Reports

Councilman Koehler:

• commended the Mayor and City Manager Sola for their efforts for the senior meals;

• indicated he is passing out flyers on senior meal fundraising and “Christmas with the Bryan’s”;

• indicated tickets need to be purchased in advance to attend “Christmas with the Bryan’s” at the Bryan Home on December 7.

IX. Motion to Adjourn

Motion was made by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Morton to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 PM. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.




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