City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook
City of Salem Officials | Nicolas Farley, Mayor of Salem, IL | Facebook
City of Salem City Council met Dec. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
The regular December 2, 2024 meeting of the Salem City Council was convened in the Council Chambers of Salem City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nicolas Farley at 6:00 PM.
Council members present:
Councilman Royce Bringwald .
Councilwoman Tracy Crouch
Councilman Jim Koehler
Councilman Craig Morton
Mayor Nicolas Farley
Council members absent:
Others present:
City Manager Annette Sola
City Clerk Tabitha Meador
Planning Commission Chairman Frank Addison
Jim Arndt, Arndt Municipal Support, Inc
Bruce Kropp, WJBD-WSIQ Radio
Dennis Rosenberger, Salem Times-Commoner
Members of the Public
II. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Koehler offered the opening prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Presentation of Petitions/Public Comments – None.
IV. Mayor’s Report and Presentations
• thanked Councilman Bringwald for attending the Christmas lighting ceremony held on the Courthouse lawn, in his absence;
• indicated he hoped everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.
V. City Council Action
1. Consent Agenda
(a) Approval of Minutes from the November 18, 2024 Council Meeting
(b) Approval of Resolution 2024-14 IDOT MFT Maintenance Contract
Mayor Farley indicated Resolution 2024-14 IDOT MFT Maintenance Contract is money allocated from Motor Fuel Tax for the City’s oil and chip program for the upcoming year.
Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilwoman Crouch to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
2. Request approval of contract with Jim Arndt, Arndt Municipal Services
Mayor Farley indicated the contract between the City of Salem and Arndt Municipal Support, Inc is for the purpose of hiring a new City Manager. He further indicated Arndt Municipal Support provides all aspects needed to begin the search for a new City Manager including the advertisement, background checks, initial interviews, and final interviews. Total cost of the contract is $20,000.00.
Motion made by Councilman Koehler and seconded by Councilman Bringwald to approve the contract with Arndt Municipal Support, Inc to conduct the search and hiring of the next City Manager with a total cost of $20,000.00. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
VI. City Manager Report
City Manager Sola:
• indicated there will be a reception for retiring City Attorney Mike Jones, prior to the next Council meeting on December 16, 2024.
VII. Executive Session
1. 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1) – Personnel
Motion was made at 6:05 PM by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Koehler to enter into Executive Session after a ten-minute break to discuss Personnel. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Morton, Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
VIII. Return to Open Session
Motion made by Councilwoman Crouch and seconded by Councilman Morton to return to Open Session at 7:57 PM. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
IX. City Council Member Reports – None.
X. Motion to Adjourn
Motion was made by Councilman Bringwald and seconded by Councilwoman Crouch to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 PM. Roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Koehler, Councilman Bringwald, Councilwoman Crouch, Councilman Morton, Mayor Farley. NAYS: None. Motion carried.