State Senator Jason Plummer | Illinois General Assembly
State Senator Jason Plummer | Illinois General Assembly
A recent revenue forecast from the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) indicates a significant discrepancy in Governor Pritzker’s budget projections. The report reveals a $1.2 billion shortfall in the proposed budget, which includes $490 million in new revenues not yet approved by the Illinois General Assembly. Even with these new revenues, COGFA estimates a remaining $740 million gap compared to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget's projections. Senator Plummer has expressed concerns about the reliability of these projections, emphasizing the need for a more realistic fiscal plan for Illinois.
In another development, state officials are addressing the fentanyl crisis with legislative proposals. State Senators Sally Turner and Sue Rezin, along with McLean County Coroner Kathleen Yoder, introduced four bills aimed at tackling fentanyl trafficking and related issues. Senate Bill 280 proposes stricter penalties for selling or dispensing fentanyl, while Senate Bill 1569 focuses on increasing mandatory prison sentences for related crimes. Additionally, Senate Bill 113 requires certain defendants to prove they do not pose a public safety threat before pretrial release, and Senate Bill 1283 seeks to classify fentanyl-related deaths as "fentanyl poisonings." These bills are currently under review in various committees.
Meanwhile, Illinois' flag redesign contest concluded with voters choosing to retain the current flag design over other submissions. Despite this public preference, lawmakers will still decide whether to keep or change the state flag design.