
South Central Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

ILLINOIS STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 107: Rep. Wilhour: Back to Business Plan for Illinois


Illinois State House District 107 issued the following announcement on May 6.

The impact of COVID-19 has varied across regions of the state. Currently the impact in South Central Illinois area has been minimal in comparison to large metropolitan areas of the state. While we are pleased that the impact to the majority has been less than projected, the risk for our older residents and those with pre-existing conditions remains a major concern.

With those risks in mind, the residents of several South Central Illinois counties feel that returning to work and reinforcing temporary safeguards for the business community is also important and should be a priority for local and state government.

To be both safe and successful, residents should develop a personal practice of distancing, a minimum of six (6) feet from others, frequently washing hands; avoiding contact with your face; and avoiding contact with items in public whenever possible.

Residents should monitor their own health and remain home if feeling ill or having a temperature (100.4 Fahrenheit) or a persisting cough. Contact a physician about any symptoms that persist for more than 24 hours.


The regional medical centers will establish monitoring criteria of capacity to treat patients. Any significant changes to that capacity will be provided to local government for consideration of changes to the local policies under advisement of the local Public Health Department.


The Public Health Departments will monitor businesses. Businesses failing to maintain standards described below will be labeled as a health risk similar to practices used for Environmental Health by the local Public Health Department and where applicable have their license to do business suspended.

Definition: Immediate family shall be considered members of a household, children, parents, grandchildren, and grandparents, including natural, adoptive, or foster status.

Local Health Departments shall continue to review data from the several states that are opening back up for business, as well as monitor local COVID 19 related cases. As a result, if those numbers do not show an increase in COVID19 cases that threaten hospital capacity to given relevant treatment, several counties, upon approval, plan to open in Phases, effective at midnight May 10, 2020 pursuant to the guidelines set below and the COVID-19 Protocol.


Post a sign at each public entrance of the facility to inform all employees and customers that they should:

Avoid entering the facility if they have a cough, fever, or other signs/symptoms of COVID-19

Maintain a minimum six-foot distance between individuals, or entire household units of up to six persons defined as residing at the same address, and other individuals

Sneeze or cough into a cloth or tissue or, if unavailable, into one’s arm

Not shake hands of engage in any unnecessary physical contact

Post a copy of the COVID-19 Protocol at each public entrance of the facility.

Measures to protect employee health

Everyone who can carry out their work duties from home, as determined by their employer, has been directed to do so.

All employees have been told not to come to work if they are sick.

Relevant COVID-19 symptom screenings are being conducted before employees may enter the work space.

Employers must establish work arrangements so that employees are separated by at least six feet or an impermeable barrier while at their desks or individual work stations.

Break rooms, restrooms, other common areas, and high-touch surfaces are being disinfected frequently, on the following schedule:

Break rooms: [Entity must specify]

Restrooms: [Entity must specify]

Other: [Entity must specify]

Disinfectant and related supplies are available to all employees at the following locations: [Entity must specify]

Hand sanitizer effective against COVID-19 is available to all employees at the following locations: [Entity must specify]

Soap and water are available to all employees at the following locations: [Entity must specify]

Facial coverings are available to all employees whose duties and interactions with fellow employees subject them to CDC recommendations requiring them.

Copies of this Protocol have been distributed to all employees.

Other measures to protect employees: [Entity may specify]

Measures to protect visitor/customer health

Disinfecting wipes or comparable disinfectants that are effective against COVID-19 are available near items frequently touched by visitors, such as shopping carts or baskets.

Employee(s) assigned to regularly disinfect items frequently touched by visitors.

Hand sanitizer, soap and water, or other disinfectant effective against COVID-19 are available to visitors at or near the entrance of the facility and at transaction points.

All methods for contactless transactions are implemented. Where this is not feasible, components of transaction points such as portals, pens, and styluses are disinfected after each use.

All other high-contact surfaces must frequently be disinfected.

Other measures to protect visitors/customers: [Entity may specify]

Measures to ensure physical separation

For entities and indoor locations where staff and/or visitors generally circulate, limit the number of visitors in the facility at any one time to occupancy percentages specified in the framework.

For entities and indoor locations where staff and/or visitors are generally stationary, people must be kept a minimum of six feet apart as measured in a straight line from one person or member of a household unit to the next closest person, not including an impermeable internal or external wall or divider of at least eight feet high.

Post an employee at entrance doors to ensure that the maximum number of customers in the facility, as specified above, is not exceeded.

Place signs outside the facility reminding people to be at least six feet apart when inside the facility, including when in any lines.

Placing tape or other markings at least six feet apart in customer or employee line areas inside facilities and on sidewalks at public entrances with signs directing customers to use the markings to maintain distance.

Separate order areas from delivery/fulfillment areas to prevent customers from gathering.

Instruct employees to maintain at least a six-foot distance from customers and from each other, except employees may momentarily come closer when necessary to accept payment, deliver goods or services, or as otherwise necessary.

To reduce crowds and lines, place per-person or household unit limits on goods that are selling out quickly. [Entity may explain.]

Other measures to ensure physical separation: [Entity may explain]

Measures to prevent unnecessary contact

Prevent visitors from self-serving any food items.

Provide items such as lids for cups and condiments by staff, not for customers to procure on their own.

Bulk-item food or supply bins are not available for customer self-service use.

Consider providing specific hours only for specific populations such as seniors and pregnant women.

Phase I

Temporary isolation restrictions shall remain in effect for the following groups

Nursing Homes

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Residents over 70 or those with pre-existing conditions are encouraged to use extreme caution and practice personal protection through distancing, sanitation and masks and avoid exposure to the general public whenever possible

Hospitals (restricting visitors and providing separations between COVID, at-risk and patients receiving routine medical treatment)

Available testing and monitoring for employees of the following groups

Long Term Care Facilities

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Hospitals (In-Patient and Staff)

Healthcare Workers

Law Enforcement


All employees shall have temperature checks and screening at least daily. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy allowed at 50% of capacity

Hours for “at risk” community provided

Continued curb side service available

Restaurants / Bars

All employees shall have temperature checks and screening at least daily Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home.

Masks shall be required for all employees

Establishments that derive their primary source of income from the sale of alcoholic beverages will not be allowed to open during this phase

No live entertainment

Occupancy allowed at 50% capacity.

No waiting area

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Limited immediate family tables

No patrons within six feet of each other

No self-service of any type

No-contact menu (online on personal device, disposable or posted)

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Disposable table cover (paper replaced after each service)

Personal Care Providers (Hair, nail, massage, tanning etc.)

Hair and Tanning Salons will be open by appointment only

Nail services will remain unavailable at this time

Massage services may be performed if pursuant to a physician’s order.

Masks shall be required for all employees

Customers by appointment only

No waiting room facilities will be provided, enter at time of appointment

No patrons within six feet of each other

Stylists stations must be spaced six (6) feet apart

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Recommended time between appointments is a minimum of 15 minutes

Professional Services (Banking, Accounting, etc.)

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

When possible limit customers by appointment only

When open for walk-in business, limit customers to ensure a minimum six-foot distance

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Places of Worship

All staff and worship leaders shall have temperature checks when arriving to work.

Occupancy allowed at 25% capacity ensure not less than six feet distance between attendees

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Avoid contact with common items (items open to use by all attendees)

Disposable hymn handouts

Avoid physical contact between attendees

No greeters/No physical contact

No Offering Baskets passed among attendees

No waiting area

All surfaces touched by attendees shall be sanitized between each use

Continued Virtual worship is recommended

Self-Contained communion practices are acceptable

Organized dismissal should be implemented

Gym, Exercise Facility

Occupancy will be allowed at 25% capacity

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

No waiting room/steam room facilities will be provided

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Equipment must have a minimum of six (6) feet of separation

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

If facility includes tanning services, must be by appointment only.

Public Parks, Private Campgrounds, Drive-In Theatre and Golf Courses

Maintain six feet distance between visitors

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Golf carts can have an occupancy of two people

Golf carts must be sanitized between use if carts are rented

Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment and bathrooms)

Avoid contact with attendees

Public Venues will remain closed or operate as indicated until further information is provided by the Public Health Department:

Dance Halls will remain closed

Gaming Facilities will remain closed

Indoor Theaters will remain closed

Contact Sports/Sports Camps/Summer Camps are prohibited at this time

Public Pool will remain closed

Parades & Festivals (Drive-By Celebrations/Visitations/Events will be allowed with no physical contact between attendees (Authorization may be required for large scale events)

Private Golf Cart/ATV Usage is allowed with immediate household members

Manufacturing, Construction, Service industry and other businesses

All employees shall have their temperature taken when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Any employee exhibiting COVID19 symptoms shall be sent home

Employees shall maintain social distancing guidelines including six feet of separation

Common areas of contact will be wiped down regularly, and employees are encouraged to wipe down objects of common contact before and after they touch them,

Machine controls

Door knobs

Handles of appliances or tools


All employees and children shall have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the Daycare facility and after 4 hours of work, if remaining on the premises longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Daycare can operate at 100% capacity pursuant to DCFS licensing requirements

Social distancing and continual cleaning of surfaces used by employees and children is encouraged

All food preparation surfaces, handles, knobs and common surfaces shall be sanitized before and after each use.

Increase cleaning and disinfection schedules

Modify pickup and drop-off schedules.

Any individual testing positive for COVID19 shall be isolated at home or in a medical treatment facility per current CDC /IDPH requirements and free of symptoms for a minimum of 72 hours. These individuals will be contacted daily, by phone or other electronic means, by the Local County Health Department or their agent to answer questions and check on their well- being and status.

Phase II

If after 14 days, COVID 19 cases presenting for hospitalization remain sufficiently below the hospitals capacity and in consideration of the indicators set forth, and with the Local Health Departments approval, the following practices shall be in place:

Temporary isolation restrictions shall remain in effect for the following groups

Nursing Homes

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Residents over 70 or those with pre-existing conditions are encouraged to use extreme caution and practice personal protection through distancing, sanitation and masks and avoid exposure to the general public whenever possible

Hospitals (restricting visitors and providing separations between COVID, at-risk and patients receiving routine medical treatment)

Available testing and monitoring for employees of the following groups

Long Term Care Facilities

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Hospitals (In-Patient and Staff)

Healthcare Workers

Law Enforcement


All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy allowed at 75% capacity

Hours for “at risk” community provided

Hand sanitation wipes provided at entry for use on carts/baskets

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Continued curb side service available

Restaurants / Bars

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Bars will be allowed to open at 50% capacity with all patrons required to be seated and served

Restaurant Occupancy will be maintained at 50% capacity

Waiting area allowed with 6 feet of separation, or outdoors

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Limited to four top tables only

Or immediate family at table

No patrons within six feet of each other

No self-service of any type

No-contact menu (online on personal device, disposable or posted)

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Disposable table cover or place mats (paper replaced after each service)

Personal Care Providers (Hair, nail, massage, tanning, etc.)

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Hair, Nail and Tanning Salons open with specific capacity restrictions

Massage services will be allowed pursuant to physician’s orders

Masks shall be required for all employees

Customers by appointment only

No waiting room facilities will be provided, enter at time of appointment

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

No patrons/stylists within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Recommended time between appointments is 15 minutes

Professional Services (Banking, Accounting, etc.)

All employees shall have temperature when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

When possible limit customers by appointment only

When open for walk-in business, limit customers to ensure a minimum six-foot distance

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Places of Worship

All staff and worship leaders shall have temperature checks when arriving to work.

Occupancy allowed at 50% capacity ensure not less than six feet distance between attendees

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Avoid contact with common items (items open to use by all attendees)

Disposable hymn handouts

Avoid physical contact between attendees

No greeters/No physical contact

No Offering Baskets passed among attendees

No waiting area

All surfaces touched by attendees shall be sanitized between each use

Continued Virtual worship is recommended

Self-Contained communion practices are acceptable

Organized dismissal should be implemented

Use only alternate pews or seating to maintain distance encouraged.

Gym, Exercise Facility

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy will be allowed at 50% capacity

No waiting room/steam room facilities will be provided

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Equipment must have a minimum of six (6) feet of separation

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

If facility offers tanning services, must be by appointment only.

Public Parks, Private Camp Grounds and Golf Courses

Maintain six feet distance between visitors

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Golf carts can have an occupancy of two people

Golf carts must be sanitized if rented.

Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment/bathroom suggested)

Public venues will remain closed or operate as indicated until further information is provided by the Public Health Department:

Dance Halls will remain closed

Concert Halls may open as long as 6 feet of distancing can be maintained of non- household members with no more than 50% capacity and following employee health guidelines.

Gaming Facilities will remain closed

Outdoor Concerts/Community Events may occur if social distancing and less than 25 people in attendance

Movie Theaters may open as long as 6 feet of distancing can be maintained of non- household members with no more than 50% capacity and following employee health guidelines.

No gatherings over 25 people

Parades & Festivals (Drive-By Celebrations/Visitations/Events will be allowed with no physical contact between attendees (Authorization may be required for large scale events)

Private Events may occur if social distancing is practiced and less than 25 people in attendance.

Garage/Yard sales may occur if social distancing is practiced and less than 25 people in attendance at one time

Contact Sports/Sports Camps/Summer Camps are prohibited at this time

Public Pool will remain closed

Manufacturing, Construction, Service industry and other businesses

All employees shall have their temperature taken when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Any employee exhibiting COVID19 symptoms shall be sent home

Employees shall maintain social distancing guidelines including six feet of separation

Common areas of contact will be wiped down regularly, and employees are encouraged to wipe down objects of common contact before and after they touch them,

Machine controls

Door knobs

Handles of appliances or tools


All employees and children shall have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the Daycare facility and after 4 hours of work, if remaining on the premises longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Daycare can operate at 100 % capacity pursuant to DCFS licensing requirements.

Social distancing and continual cleaning of surfaces used by employees and children is encouraged

All food preparation surfaces, handles, knobs and common surfaces shall be sanitized before and after each use.

Increase cleaning and disinfection schedules

Modify pickup and drop-off schedules.

Any individual testing positive for COVID19 shall be isolated at home or in a medical treatment facility per current CDC /IDPH requirements and /or until they are free of symptoms for at least 72 hours. These individuals will be contacted daily, by phone or other electronic means, by the Local County Health Department or their agent to answer questions and check on their well- being and status.

Phase III

Temporary isolation restrictions shall remain in effect for the following groups

Nursing Homes

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Residents over 70 or those with pre-existing conditions are encouraged to use extreme caution and practice personal protection through distancing, sanitation and masks and avoid exposure to the general public whenever possible

Hospitals (restricting visitors and providing separations between COVID, at-risk and patients receiving routine medical treatment)

Available testing and monitoring for employees of the following groups

Long Term Care Facilities

Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities

Hospitals (In-Patient and Staff)

Healthcare Workers

Law Enforcement


All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy allowed to 75% capacity

Hours for “at risk” community provided

Hand sanitation wipes provided at entry for use on carts/baskets

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Continued curb side service available

Restaurants / Bars

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy allowed to 75% of capacity

Waiting area allowed with 6 feet of separation, or outdoors

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Limited to four top tables only

Or immediate family at table

No patrons within six feet of each other

No self-service of any type

No-contact menu (online on personal device, disposable or posted)

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Disposable table cover or place mats (paper replaced after each service)

Personal Care Providers (Hair, nail, massage, and tanning etc.)

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Hair and Nail Salons open with specific capacity restrictions

Masks shall be required for all employees

Customers by appointment only

No waiting room facilities will be provided, enter at time of appointment

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Recommended time between appointments is 15 minutes

Professional Services (Banking, Accounting, etc.)

All employees shall have temperature when arriving at work. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

When possible limit customers by appointment only

When open for walk-in business, limit customers to ensure a minimum six-foot distance

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

Places of Worship

All staff and worship leaders shall have temperature checks when arriving to work.

Occupancy allowed at 75% capacity ensure not less than six feet distance between attendees

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Avoid contact with common items (items open to use by all attendees)

Disposable hymn handouts

Avoid physical contact between attendees

No waiting area

All surfaces touched by attendees shall sanitized between each use

Continued Virtual worship is recommended

No Offering Baskets passed among attendees

Self-Contained Communion Practices are acceptable

Use only alternate pews or seating to maintain distance encouraged.

Organized dismissal procedures should be implemented.

Gym, Exercise Facility

All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Masks shall be required for all employees

Occupancy allowed at 75% capacity

No waiting room/steam room facilities will be provided

Protective screens for employees whenever feasible

Equipment must have a minimum of six (6) feet of separation

No patrons within six feet of each other

All surfaces sanitized between each customer use

If facility offers tanning services, must be by appointment only

Public Parks, Private Campgrounds and Golf Courses

Maintain six feet distance between visitors

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Golf carts can have an occupancy of two people

Golf carts must be sanitized if rented.

Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment

Distancing between family members is at their discretion

Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment suggested)

Public Venues will remain closed or operate as indicated until further information is provided by the Public Health Department:

Dance Halls will remained closed at this time

Concert Halls may be open as long as 6 feet of distancing can be maintained of non- household members with no more than 75% capacity and following employee health guidelines.

Outdoor Concerts/Community Events may take place as long as six (6) six feet of distancing can be maintained of non-household members with no more than 50 people gathering

No gatherings over 50 people

Movie Theaters may open as long as 6 feet of distancing can be maintained of non- family members with no more than 75% capacity and following employee health guidelines.

Contact Sports/Sports Camps/Summer Camps are prohibited at this time

Summer League sports will be considered during this phase based upon guidance and information provided by local health authority/IDPH/CDC

Public Pools will be allowed to open per local jurisdiction

Manufacturing, Construction, Service industry and other businesses

All employees shall have their temperature taken when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Any employee exhibiting COVID19 symptoms shall be sent home

Employees shall maintain social distancing guidelines including six feet of separation

Common areas of contact will be wiped down regularly, and employees are encouraged to wipe down objects of common contact before and after they touch them,

Machine controls

Door knobs

Handles of appliances or tools


All employees and children shall have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the Daycare facility and after 4 hours of work, if remaining on the premises longer than 4 hours. Temperature > 100.4 Fahrenheit will be sent home

Daycare can operate at 100% capacity pursuant to DCFS licensing requirements.

Social distancing and continual cleaning of surfaces used by employees and children is encouraged

All food preparation surfaces, handles, knobs and common surfaces shall be sanitized before and after each use.

Increase cleaning and disinfection schedules

Modify pickup and drop-off schedules.

Any individual testing positive for COVID19 shall be isolated at home or in a medical treatment facility per current CDC/IDPH requirements and /or until they are free of symptoms for at least 72 hours. These individuals will be contacted daily, by phone or other electronic means, by the Local County Health Department or their agent to answer questions and check on their well- being and status.

If at the end of Phase III, Local Health Departments can verify the following: 1. No resurgence in COVID-19 cases; 2. No additional outbreaks within respective jurisdictions; 3. COVID-19 cases presenting for hospitalization remain stable; 4. Public health and healthcare systems continue to meet the needs of the community at large, plans will be reviewed allowing greater movement within communities participating in the regional reopen strategy.

This plan will allow us to continue to analyze and minimize our public health risks while also minimizing economic risks and moving towards normalcy in our lives as soon as safely possible. However, reversal of advancements between phases may be required if data and metrics show a decline in the conditions necessary for maintaining public health.

Local Health Departments will encourage community members to begin a “Daily Contact Diary” for all individuals within Illinois counties. This will provide a reference for citizens in the event that public health involvement for contact tracing is needed, allowing a recollection of daily activities and interactions.

Original source can be found here.



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